Chronicles of Vida: The Story of the Missing Princess (PC)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AdventurerFind your way out of the labyrinth under the vampire's castle without using the map in the diary.
Artful SafebreakerSolve the puzzle on the safe in the house by the crossing.
Best SleuthPass Chapter 3 without a single quest hint.
Born InvestigatorPass Chapter 4 without a single quest hint.
Dark Spawn HunterPass Chapter 5 without a single quest hint.
Eagle EyeFind 3 consecutive objects without a single mistake.
Engineering GeniusSolve the puzzle to fix the cable railway generator.
Faultless StartPass Chapter 1 without a single quest hint.
IntellectualSolve the puzzle locking the stash of the innkeeper's father.
Iron WillFind all objects in a location without reentering.
Most Welcome GuestPass Chapter 2 without a single quest hint.
Relentless SearcherFind all objects in a location without a hint or reenter.
Skillful Lock PickerSolve the puzzle on the door leading to the count's living room.
Swift LookFind all objects in a location without reentering and in less than a minute.