Chris Sawyer's Locomotion (PC)

Easy money

The best source of money are coal and passengers. The coal business is one of the best ways to start a game; do passengers second.

Easy Start-Up Money

A good way to start up and get a lot of money is starting up a bus service in a big city. Buses are cheap to run and gather a high revenue in large towns and cities.

Level Passwords

BOOTStart game at level 02.
CHORStart game at level 03.
DORFStart game at level 04.
ENTEStart game at level 05.
FUSSStart game at level 06.
GIFTStart game at level 07.
HANDStart game at level 08.
IGLUStart game at level 09.
JAHRStart game at level 10.
KUSSStart game at level 11.

Train Driver Mode

To access train driving mode, bring up the train window for one of your trains. Make sure the train is fully stopped (red flag icon), and that the train window is the topmost window on the display. Then hold [Insert] while typing driver, then release [Insert]. If you access the stop/go menu on the trains flag icon you should find a new third option in the menu called "Manual". Select the "Manual" option, and the window will change to show a slider control to allow you to control the train. When the slider is at the lowest position, the brakes are fully on. The half way position is when the brakes are fully off but no power is applied. The highest position is for maximum power. Start driving your train, but first make sure it is facing in the correct direction. Be careful so you do not drive it off the end of the track. Then use the mouse pointer to move the control slider up to release the brakes and apply power.