Achievement | How to unlock
Ace Pilot | Pass stage 10 on oil rig level.
Baywatch | Save a person from drowning.
Black Rescue Ops | Unlock the AK-84 APALACHEE chopper.
Dancing in Dough | Collect 1000 coins.
First Degree Burn | Witness a human getting burned
GET TO DA CHOPPA! | Unlock a new chopper.
Getting Warmed Up | Save 5 people.
Handsome man with a charming personality | Unlock Steam Choppa
Heavy Lifting | Unlock the VH-84 CHINE chopper.
Heavy Lifting In Sahara | Unlock Desert Chine
Hot Air Hot Rescue | Unlock Hot Air Balloon
I'm Walking In The Air | Grab a person mid-air.
Look How Shiny it is! | Unlock GOLDEN BOY chopper.
Maxed Out, Baby! | Fully upgrade a chopper.
Pest Control | Neutralize a seagull
Plausible Deniability | Unlock UFO.
Red Rescue Ops | Unlock the AK-84 RED CAMO chopper.
Rick Guyver is coming to town | Unlock the Santa's Sled Choppa
Roses Are Red, Falcon Is Blue | Unlock the BLUE FALCON chopper.
Stayin' alive | Stay alive for 1 minute in survival mode
Stuntman | Do a somersault.
Three-pointer | Save a person without using the ladder.
Top Gun | Pass stage 15 on oil-rig level.
Tough guy, eh? | Stay alive for 2 minutes in survival
Ugh! | Unlock Prehistoric Chopper
Upgraded Rescue Gear | Unlock the RESCUE chopper.
Vintage ride | Unlock Classic Choppa