Achievement | How to unlock
A Feline Iago | Every human has their price.
Avenging Angel | Show Helmut what it's like to live in fear of pain.
Befriend Maddox | Be kind and patient with Maddox.
Best Beggar | Engage in a food-begging competition with Bene.
Breaking the (In-)Law | The benefits of destruction are sometimes surprising.
Clawed Despot | Enslave two or more household members.
Clever Puss | If you're disliked enough to jeopardize a marriage, re-endear yourself!
Diva | Yowl tunefully enough that people imagine it's singing.
Good Friend | Take a hit for a fellow household pet.
Honorary Kids' Toy | Put up with Moon's manhandling until she digs you.
Insecure Home | Become a point of contention without getting thrown out.
It's My Party | Make sure you fix the guest list.
Jaws of Death | Hunt out some teeth far more dangerous than your own.
Maddox's New Home | Get Maddox a new home.
Mine All Mine | Wangle yourself a cat door.
Next Big Thing | A hefty task that brings Helmut's gimmick idea to fruition.
People Training | Wangle a steak meal.
Political Player | Make politics all about you.
Putting the "Cat" in "Catharsis" | When things go so badly, it's spectacular.
Reductio ad Absurdum | Reduce a political campaign to utter farce.
Secure Home | Make yourself part of the family.
Social-Media Star | Luck can't be planned, but contacts can.
Star in the Making | Ensure you are captured on video.
The Activist | Get serious about helping other cats.
The Enabler | Encourage Andre's pipe dreams.
The Great Explorer | Do a full reconnaissance of your new house.
Top Cat | Take on the neighborhood's fiercest tomcat—and win.
War Wounds | Discover the secret of Maddox's lost eye.