Champions of Breakfast (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
32 MilliampsDestroy the Bathtub as the Toaster (Unlocks Blueberries)
A Salt and PepperComplete Normal Mode with Salt and Ground Black Pepper enabled
A Salt and Pepper Two - Electric BoogalooComplete Hard Mode with Salt and Ground Black Pepper enabled
Bane of the Fourth StarDestroy the Bathtub on Hard Mode
Breakfast for BreakfastSurvive for more than 15 minutes in a single run
Breakfast for DinnerSurvive for more than 60 minutes in a single run
Breakfast for LunchSurvive for more than 30 minutes in a single run
Breakfast IncarnateKill a total of 10,000 enemies
Broke FastDie on the first screen.
Can't Stop Won't StopDie a total of 5 times (Unlocks Butter Stick)
Champion of BreakfastObtain a score of 10,000,000
Cut a RugMake it through the Living Room without being hit (Unlocks Pretzel)
Daft JunkDestroy the Scrap Car (Unlocks Hardboiled Egg)
DominatorKill a total of 100,000 enemies
Far Above the WorldMake it through the Secret Level without being hit
FearlessDestroy the Dread Gazebo on Hard Mode
Fixed UpMake it through the Garage without being hit (Unlocks Croissant)
Flawless BreakfastMake it through Normal Mode without being hit. (Unlocks Coffee)
Flawless Breakfast in BedMake it through Hard Mode without being hit.
Gettin' Real SpicyComplete Hard Mode with any spice enabled
Gettin' SpicyComplete Normal Mode with any spice enabled
God Emperor of SpiceComplete Hard Mode with all spices enabled
Harvest SeasonMake it through the Backyard without being hit (Unlocks Semmel)
Hot Hot TamaleComplete Hard Mode with Cayenne Pepper, Chili Powder, and Paprika enabled
Hot TamaleComplete Normal Mode with Cayenne Pepper, Chili Powder, and Paprika enabled
I Don't Beleaf ItComplete Normal Mode with Thyme, Basil, and Oregano enabled
I Really Don't Beleaf ItComplete Hard Mode with Thyme, Basil, and Oregano enabled
It BeginsKill a total of 100 enemies
Junk and JunkerDestroy the Scrap Car on Hard Mode
King PotatoDestroy the Recliner on Hard Mode
Lazy ManDestroy the Recliner (Unlocks The Whisk)
Legion of BreakfastKill a total of 1,000,000 enemies as a community. (Unlocks Teapot)
Lord of BreakfastObtain a score of 1,000,00 (Unlocks Tea)
Make Paula ProudConsume 10 Butter Sticks in a single run (Unlocks Tub O' Butter)
No EscapeKill a total of 1,000 enemies
No Man All MachineDie a total of 50 times
Not AfraidDestroy the Dread Gazebo (Unlocks Goatmeal)
Oven of LegendComplete Hard Mode as The Toaster Oven
Oven of MythComplete Normal Mode as The Toaster Oven
Sitting in a Tin CanDiscover the Secret Level
Sniper of BreakfastEnd your run after entering Hard Mode and have an accuracy of 75% or higher with your basic weapon.
SpotlessMake it through the Bathroom without being hit (Unlocks Weisswurst)
Takes Two to TangoKeep a melee enemy on screen for 30 seconds
Teapot of LegendComplete Hard Mode as The Teapot
Teapot of MythComplete Normal Mode as The Teapot
The ArtillerySave this ally by using Super Foods with your fellow champions!
The Mighty Fall(no description)
The Most Important Meal(no description)
The Spice Must FlowComplete Normal Mode with all spices enabled
The Stars Look Very DifferentDestroy the Ultimate Evil on Normal Mode
Thyme for StrategyDestroy any boss after it has enraged due to the Thyme spice being enabled
Toaster of LegendComplete Hard Mode as The Toaster
Toaster of MythComplete Normal Mode as The Toaster
Unlock AvocadoDiscovered from Boss Kills
Unlock BaconStarter Food
Unlock BagelDiscovered from Boss Kills
Unlock BlueberriesDestroy 1 Boss
Unlock Butter StickDie a total of 10 times
Unlock Butter TubDie a total of 25 times
Unlock CherryDiscovered from Boss Kills
Unlock CoffeeDestroy 50 Bosses
Unlock CroissantDestroy 30 Bosses
Unlock GoatmealDestroy 5 Bosses
Unlock Hardboiled EggDestroy 10 Bosses
Unlock KiwiDiscovered from Boss Kills
Unlock MilkDestroy 35 Bosses
Unlock PearDiscovered from Boss Kills
Unlock PomegranateStarter Food
Unlock PotatoDiscovered from Boss Kills
Unlock PretzelDestroy 25 Bosses
Unlock SausageStarter Food
Unlock SemmelDestroy 15 Bosses
Unlock SteakStarter Food
Unlock StrawberryDiscovered from Boss Kills
Unlock TeaDestroy 40 Bosses
Unlock The Fiery InfernoSave this ally by destroying countless bosses with your fellow champions!
Unlock The Impenetrable ShieldSave this ally from legions of enemies with your fellow adventurers!
Unlock The Mad WizardSave this mind-addled ally from the clutches of a boss monster!
Unlock The Peoples HeroThe Adventure Begins
Unlock WeisswurstDestroy 20 Bosses
Warrior of BreakfastObtain a score of 10,000 (Unlocks Milk)
What are you?...Die a total of 500 times
Whisk of LegendComplete Hard Mode as The Whisk
Whisk of MythComplete Normal Mode as The Whisk
You've Really Made The GradeDestroy the Ultimate Evil on Hard Mode