Celestian Tales: Old North (PC)


Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AxemasterUpgraded all Axe weapons to the highest level.
Big Game HunterDefeated the Grey Giant.
BoltmasterUpgraded all Crossbow weapons to the highest level
BowmasterUpgraded all Bow weapons to the highest level.
DaggermasterUpgraded all Dagger weapons to the highest level.
HistorianCollected all Backers Honour Medals.
HoarderOwned more than 9999 Livre.
Honored CompanionCompleted the game once.
ParagonReached party level 30.
SpearmasterUpgraded all Spear weapons the the highest level.
SwordmasterUpgraded all Sword weapons to the highest level.
The ExplorerCompleted the game once with Cammile as main character.
The ImposterCompleted the game once with Isaac as main character.
The ObedientCompleted the game once with Aria as main character.
The OutsiderCompleted the game once with Ylianne as main character.
The SoldierCompleted the game once with Lucienne as main character.
The WarriorCompleted the game once with Reynard as main character.
TruthseekerCompleted the game with each main character at least once.