Achievement | How to unlock
Brawn before Brains | Win a game where you always had more Knights than City Improvements.
Coastal Road | Build your roads, settlements, and cities exclusively on coasts.
Defender of the Realm | Become "Defender of Catan" five times in a single game.
Domination | Win a game by having the Largest Army and the Longest Road.
Empire of Catan | Build settlements on all the islands in a Seafarers scenario.
Explorer | Reveal 10 fog-covered hexes in a single game.
King of all Trades | Get all 3 Metropolises in a game.
Knights of the Round Table | Play 12 Knight Cards in a single game.
Lone Wolf | Win a game without trading (fellow players AND bank).
Monoculture | Build all your settlements and cities next to a single type of resource and win.
Omnipresent | Build a Settlement or a City at every number in a game.
On Principle | Move the Robber to a player who currently holds no cards in his hand.
Outsourcing | End the game having never lost a City to the Barbarians while never building a Knight.
Pack rat | Collect 20 resources in your hand.
Peace | Place the Robber on a hex where he will affect no one.
Roadblock | Interrupt the longest road belonging to an opponent.
Roadworks expert | Build a road with 15 or more segments.
Robber Baron | Rob your opponents 10 times in a single game.
Rule them all | Play and defeat all the computer characters in custom games.
Second to None | Win a game with more than a 5-point advantage.
Trading Skills | Only trade with your fellow players at least 2:1 in your favor and win.
Treasure Hunter | Find 5 treasures in a single game.
Troublemaker | Cause 5 Barbarian attacks in a game.
Veteran Knight | Build a Mighty Knight, a City Wall, and a Metropolis and move the Merchant in a game.
Villager by Conviction | Win a game without building a city.
Wall Builder | Have three Cities with City Walls in a game.
Wholesaler | Possess at least 3 harbors.
Wood for Sheep | Trade 42 times 1 Lumber for 1 Wool in a game.