Castle of Illusion (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Castle DecorCompleted a Castle Statue.
DisillusionedBroke the illusion of 75 enemies.
Fortune HunterFound 50% of all Magic Diamonds.
Illusion BreakerBroke the illusion of 25 enemies with projectiles.
Masters of IllusionCompleted all Castle Statues.
Masters of IllusionsCompleted the Game.
Money BagsFound all the Magic Diamonds.
Pretty PictureCollected 50 Diamonds to unlock your first Painting in the Castle.
QuackshotCollected all of Donald's Chili Peppers.
SuperbounceBounced on 7 enemies in a row without touching the ground.
Tick TockCompleted a stage in Time Attack mode.
World of IllusionCollected all the Magic Playing Cards.