Card Hunter (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
AdventurerSave Ommlet from the Kobolds.
AllyComplete an adventure cooperatively.
ApprenticeWin 10 ranked MP games.
Artifact AristocratComplete all AotA quests.
BaronGet MP rating to 1200.
BFFComplete the campaign cooperatively.
Bounty HunterFind the Hidden Bandit.
Cardstock AttendeeComplete the campaign.
CollectorCollect one legendary item.
Common CollectorCollect all base set commons.
CountGet MP rating to 1300.
Cyber PunkComplete all Citadel quests.
Defender of WoodhomeDefend Woodhome from the undead.
DukeGet MP rating to 1500.
EmperorGet MP rating to 1800.
Epic Artifact CollectorCollect all AotA epics.
Epic CollectorCollect all base set epics.
Epic Cyber CollectorCollect all Citadel epics.
Fairy FinderFind the Loot Fairy.
HackerComplete Expedition to the Sky Citadel.
JourneymanWin 100 ranked MP games.
KingGet MP rating to 1700.
KnightGet MP rating to 1100.
Knight ErrantComplete all campaign quests.
Legendary Artifact CollectorCollect all AotA legendaries.
Legendary CollectorCollect all base set legendaries.
Legendary Cyber CollectorCollect all Citadel legendaries.
MarquisGet MP rating to 1400.
MasterWin 1000 ranked MP games.
Master of ArtifactsComplete Attack of the Artifacts.
NoviciusWin 10 league games.
PalusWin 100 league games.
Primus PalusWin 1000 league games.
PrinceGet MP rating to 1600.
QuestorComplete a quest.
Rare Artifact CollectorCollect all AotA rares.
Rare CollectorCollect all base set rares.
Rare Cyber CollectorCollect all Citadel rares.
RookieWin one ranked MP game.
ServusWin one league game.
Slayer of MelvelousDefeat Melvelous the Magnificent.
SoldierGet MP rating to 500.
SquireGet MP rating to 1000.
Treasure HunterComplete all Basic Edition treasure hunts.
Uncommon CollectorCollect all base set uncommons.
VeteranComplete all campaign adventures.
WarriorGet MP rating to 800.