Achievement | How to unlock
All the Gold | You're the best.
Aww, Thanks | actually read the credits.
Ceres Campaign Completed | The Ceres Revolt has been supressed.
Crate Collector | I don't care what's inside, it's mine
Death to all Pods | Is there something wrong with you?
Going for Gold | Only winners get a gold medal.
Hoarder | This is mine, this is mine, all this is mine! Meow!
Lots of Medals | You're getting good at this.
Mars Campaign Completed | The machinations of Doctor Quantex are defeated.
No Pods Survive | The carnage is unspeakable. Let us never speak of it.
None shall pass.... | ..unless they bring cookies.
Only the best | You know they're special when they're gold.
Pile 'o Medals | You're buried under medals
Pod Armageddon | ...well...maybe chill out for a bit, yeah?
Pod Bully | Now it just seems mean.......
Pod Killer | You've killed some pods, yay you.
Pod Stomper | You've squished so many pods, you monster.
Ship Spotter | You anorak......
So much winning | You're unstoppable
Trigger Happy | Do you have any bullets left?
Undefeated Ceres Campaign | Ceres has been conquered without failing a mission
Undefeated Mars Campaign | Mars has been conquered without failing a mission
You go a medal! Go you! | It looks lonely, you should get some more...
You've died...a lot. | Wow. You've died 100 times, maybe try dodging.