Achievement | How to unlock
Death From Above | Kill 5 enemies when falling down through the air.
For a Few Skills More | Unlock all skills in Story Mode.
For Massive Damage | Shoot through a hole to kill an enemy that hides behind a shield.
Full Blast | Kill a shotgunner with a close-range shotgun blast.
Grows In The Telling | Complete the Story on hard difficulty.
Honor Intact | Complete the duel challenge, winning all duels honorably.
Into the Sunset | Forgive your lifetime nemesis.
Keep At It | Unlock a skill.
Last Man Standing | Complete the Story on True West difficulty.
Legend Among Legends | Get all Arcade Mode stars.
Magnificent Three | Score the maximum of 3 stars in any Arcade mission.
Perseverance | Unlock both exclusive weapons in a single category of skills in Story Mode.
Quality Time | Fight in Concentration for 15 minutes.
Righteous | Find and kill Jim Reed.
Staying Afloat | Discover a shipwreck in the Missouri swamps.
Swift Justice | Win a duel honorably in under 0.6s.
That's How it Was | Complete the Story on any difficulty.
The Tally | Complete all Arcade missions.
There's More to It | Find and kill Johnny Ringo.
This Time for Real | Give it to them straight about your meeting with Pat Garrett.
Trick Shot | Kill a bird during a winning duel.
True Story | Find all Nuggets of Truth in a single mission.
Turkey Shoot | Reach combo level of 20.
Ungrateful | Shoot a flying stick of dynamite and the one who threw it on a single Concentration.
Unvarnished Truth | Collect all Nuggets of Truth.
Violence Begets Violence | Kill your lifetime nemesis honorably in a duel.