Cabernet (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AcademicRead all the books in the game.
AdiósPay your respects to someone you killed at the Town Cemetery.
Agent of ChaosBurn more than one wreath on Kupala Night.
And Then There Were NoneSee to the deaths of all characters that can die.
Bat!Turn into a bat for the first time.
Be the ChangeHave History & Politics as your most developed skill.
Best in the FieldHave Science & Logic as your most developed skill.
Better TogetherComplete four characters' side stories.
BookwormRead five books.
Business SharkNegotiate a great deal.
ButterfliesStart a relationship.
CabernetComplete Chapter 7.
Cat PersonAdopt the cat.
ClumsyFall from a rooftop.
Con ArtistUse hypnotic powers for your own benefit.
Cream of the CropReach the highest vampire rank.
Dream Come TrueHelp a character achieve their dream.
Dream CrusherDiscourage a character from pursuing their dream.
EruditeRead twenty books.
Family MattersComplete Chapter 5.
Finders KeepersSteal something.
First KissHave your first kiss as a vampire.
Fishing TalesListen to Trofim's fishing stories.
Generous NatureGive a present to a character.
Good NeighbourComplete a character's side story.
Good TipperGive a tip three times.
Guns Don't Kill PeopleReach permanent death via a gunshot.
HeartbreakerReject a potential romantic partner.
Higher SocietyComplete Chapter 1.
HopeComplete Chapter 8.
HorticulturistAdopt Faina's plant.
HumanistReach max Humanity.
I Know My LimitTake three liquor shots.
Invest In Your FutureMake a deal with the Countless.
It's ComplicatedReach both max Nihilism and Humanity.
Keen Sense of StyleCustomize your room.
Kupala NightComplete Chapter 3.
Let the World BurnMake a deal with Dragomir.
Liar, LiarLie to a character.
Look Over There!Pretend to take three shots successfully.
Love to SpareStart multiple relationships.
MaestroLearn all the piano songs in the game.
Make Yourself ComfortableSpend the rest of your "life" in prison.
Master SommelierFor those who have sampled it all.
Meet the CastUnlock all characters in the Relationship Map.
MeowPet the cat.
Money's No ObjectBuy Evgeny's journal from Kirill for fifty coins.
More of a Dog PersonOust the cat.
MycologistOnly collect edible mushrooms with Marusia.
Necromancer's AssistantHelp resurrect Petya.
NegotiatorConvince Viktoriya to let you go.
Nice DigsEarn enough money to afford a luxurious life in the Epilogue.
NihilistReach max Nihilism.
No Autographs, PleaseHave Literature & Writing as your most developed skill.
No RegretsComplete Chapter 4.
NuisanceIrritate the Doctor by opening the window too many times.
One Good DeedWater Faina's plants one last time.
OustedHave an invitation from a character revoked.
Parasites & SycophantsComplete Chapter 2.
PhilanthropistGift Marusia her own violin.
Polevik CharmerSuccessfully perform a ballad for the Polevik.
PowderwomanHave your choices lead to an explosion at the Town Hall.
PranksterPull a prank on Hussar.
Punk's Not DeadHave Music & Arts as your most developed skill.
Puppet MasterBreak up a couple and start dating one of them.
QuackFail a medical task.
Rest in PeaceComplete Prologue.
SafecrackerOpen Kirill's safe.
ScholarRead ten books.
Second in CommandAccept the Mayor's offer.
Serial KillerKill three people.
Sleight of HandHelp Evgeny win the card game.
SpecialistMaster a skill.
Spirit, Be Gone!Use Hamsa against Dragomir.
Stay CoolKeep your composure with Aleksey as Kolya.
Sweet MemoriesAcquire and store five memorabilia items.
The CollectorFind all the scattered painting pieces.
The DefuserHave your choices lead to the bomb being defused.
The End?Reach permanent death.
The One RingFind and return Gosia's family heirloom.
There Won't Be BloodStop the bloodshed at Evgeny and Kirill's duel.
This Isn't MineDon't take the money from the drawer in the cellar.
Top 1%Earn 500 coins.
Trust The SystemMake a deal with the Mayor.
UnburiedComplete Chapter 6.
UndertakerKill a human.
Vampire CatTurn your cat into a vampire.
VegetarianDon't feed on any live creatures from Chapter 3 onwards.
Welcome to the ClubTurn Kolya into a vampire.