Achievement | How to unlock
Boot Camp | Complete the Tutorial.
Breakdown | Beat the game in Breaker Mode.
Difficulty Spike | Beat the game in Hard Mode.
Feel the Burn! | Use Heatwave's ability.
Freshleaf Forest | Defeat the second boss.
Icygale Glacier | Defeat the fourth boss.
Jollyville | Defeat the first boss.
Long Timer | Beat the game with a time limit enabled.
Mechafolk Capital City | Defeat the sixth boss.
Mechafolk Factory | Defeat the fifth boss.
Medium Timer | Beat the game with a time limit of 10 minutes or less.
Mistypeak Mountains | Defeat the third boss.
Oceantide Channel | Defeat the seventh boss.
Rupert's Moon Base | Defeat Rupert.
Secret Rocket Base | Defeat the eigth boss.
Short Timer | Beat the game with a time limit of 5 minutes or less.
Smash and Grab | Use Dirtbag's ability.
Tag Team | Defeat a boss with a friend.
The Power of Friendship | Complete a level with a friend.
Up and At Them! | Use Airhead's ability.
Well-Connected | Beat the game in Connect Mode.
Windchill Factor | Use Ice Queen's ability.