Building Block Heroes (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Boot CampComplete the Tutorial.
BreakdownBeat the game in Breaker Mode.
Difficulty SpikeBeat the game in Hard Mode.
Feel the Burn!Use Heatwave's ability.
Freshleaf ForestDefeat the second boss.
Icygale GlacierDefeat the fourth boss.
JollyvilleDefeat the first boss.
Long TimerBeat the game with a time limit enabled.
Mechafolk Capital CityDefeat the sixth boss.
Mechafolk FactoryDefeat the fifth boss.
Medium TimerBeat the game with a time limit of 10 minutes or less.
Mistypeak MountainsDefeat the third boss.
Oceantide ChannelDefeat the seventh boss.
Rupert's Moon BaseDefeat Rupert.
Secret Rocket BaseDefeat the eigth boss.
Short TimerBeat the game with a time limit of 5 minutes or less.
Smash and GrabUse Dirtbag's ability.
Tag TeamDefeat a boss with a friend.
The Power of FriendshipComplete a level with a friend.
Up and At Them!Use Airhead's ability.
Well-ConnectedBeat the game in Connect Mode.
Windchill FactorUse Ice Queen's ability.