All characters

To unlock all characters easily, start level one and rescue the first prisoner. Restart the level and repeat until all characters are available.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Very Particular Set Of SkillsFinish campaign on Hard.
Area LiberatedFinish the campaign.
Front Row Tickets To The Gun ShowHave four players flex onscreen at the same time.
I'll give you a war you wouldn't believeFinish the Ironbro campaign on Hard.
No TicketThrow an enemy off the sky fortress as Indiana Brones.
There Can Bro Only OneFinish the campaign without dying.
You're FiredKill an enemy by launching them on a propane tank.
You're the disease, I'm the cureFinish the Ironbro campaign.
Your eyes can deceive youKill a terrorist with a deflected bullet.