Bravada (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Amateur ornitologist!Ravaged the Phoenix's nest.
And an even more special thank youAward for contribution to the development of the project.
Artylleryman!A real sharp-shooting gunner.
ComboKnocked out with one blow.
ConsumerItems used.
Dragonslayer!Defeated the dragon in the final battle.
Dragonslayer!Defeated the dragon in the final battle.
ExplorerSteps made.
GluttonFood eaten.
K.O.Units knocked out.
ManagerDifferent units.
Master tacticianTactical mode is now available.
Oakcrusher!Old stump is not a problem.
PacifistEnemies skipped.
ScroogeGold collected.
Slimesaur is defeated!Slimesaur is defeated!
UndertakerAllies lost.
UpbringerUnits raised.