Bokida - Heartfelt Reunion (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Blunt the SharpnessUnlock the ability to shatter blocks.
Celestial VibrationCollect 40 echoes of the Dark planet.
Complete AttunementGather all echoes of the Dark planet.
Elusive and IntangibleRemain airborne for 90 seconds or more.
Eternally PresentBUILD 10000 blocks over the course of one game (same save file)
First EchoesCollect 25 echoes of the Dark planet.
Fish Cannot Leave Deep WatersComplete the Highlands monolith.
Formless SubstancePUSH 20000 debris and fragments over the course of one game (same save file)
Heartfelt ReunionReunite Light and Dark, causing Two to be as One once more.
Hollow to be FullClear 3000 debris and fragments with a single CLEAN.
Merge with DustUnlock the ability to return to nothingness.
Perception of the Nature of ThingsComplete the Temple monolith.
PerseveranceCut through 1000 blocks or more in a single CUT.
Return to the InfiniteCLEAN 20000 blocks over the course of one game (same save file)
Soft and Weak Overcome Hard and StrongComplete the Haven monolith.
Soften the GlareUnlock the ability to control the flow of time.
The Dust of the EarthPush 1000 debris and fragments with a single PUSH.
The EnlightenedRead half the words of the Way.
The EruditeRead 10 steles bearing the words of the Way.
The Gate to All MysteryComplete the first monolith, allowing the Light planet to reveal itself.
The Great OnenessReach the 100% completion mark.
The Low is the Foundation of the HighReach maximum velocity.
The Perfect Square has no CornersCUT 20000 blocks over the course of one game (same save file)
The SageRead all the words of the Way.
The Strength of the SpiritBoost 50 consecutive times without touching the ground.
The Swift MessengerRestore all the links between Light and Dark in less than 20 minutes.
Untangle the KnotUnlock the ability to turn the balance of the world upside-down.