Blamdown: Udder Fury (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
4th of JulyUnlock the Fireworks
Aim is for loosers with limited ammoMake Animal Control Destroy 500 Buildings
Aim is for loosers with limited ammo GoldMake Animal Control Destroy 1000 Buildings
Aim is for loosers with limited ammo PlatinumMake Animal Control Destroy 1500 Buildings
All roads lead to ChaosComplete The Road
Almost thereUnlock half of the Upgrades
And then the firenation attackedUnlock the FlameThrower
Animal Control BrutalityDestroy less than animal control
Animal Police CarDestroy 300 Apcs
Animal Police Car GoldDestroy 600 Apcs
Animal Police Car PlatinumDestroy 900 Apcs
Black Vulture DownComplete The Road
CarnageReach Chaos level 10
Cow CatcherKill 500 Netters
Cow Catcher GoldKill 1000 Netters
Cow Catcher PlatinumKill 1500 Netters
CowLiftDestroy a FunkLift
Don QuixoteReach Chaos Level 25 on Windmill
Duty CallsDuty Calls
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bisonReach chaos level 10 in survival without taking damage
Godzilla GODestroy 500 Buildings
Godzilla GO GoldDestroy 1000 Buildings
Godzilla GO PlatinumDestroy 1500 Buildings
Gotta Collect em allUnlock all Uppgrades
I don't need your adviceDestroy all help signs
KarmageddonChaos level 20
Legen...wait for it...Chaos level 25
Murica!!!Unlock all the Weapons
MVPReach Chaos Level 10 on Football Stadium
No More High NoonKill 500 Pistoleers
No More High Noon GoldKill 1000 Pistoleers
No More High Noon PlatinumKill 1500 Pistoleers
Now I Have A Machine Gun. Ho Ho Ho.Unlock the machine gun
Old McDonald HAD a farmComplete The Farm
Pew, Pew, PewUnlock the Laser Gun
Point and ClickUnlock the Rail Gun
Prod-uctivityUnlock the Prodder
Respect My AuthoritahDestroy all buildings in a single campaign map
RevengeanceTake your Revenge on Farmer Joe
Seg-what?Kill 500 SegWays
Seg-what? Goldkill 1000 SegWays
Seg-what? PlatinumKill 1500 SegWays
Skies are clearKill 250 JetPack Troppers
Skies are clear GoldKill 500 Jetpack Troppers
Skies are clear PlatinumKill 750 Jetpack Troppers
Spank the TanksDestroy 250 Tanks
Spank the Tanks GoldDestroy 500 Tanks
Spank the Tanks PlatinumDestroy 750 Tanks
The Belgien BlueGet All Defensive Cow Mutations in one go
The CattaCottaOnly Upgrade footsoldier, minimum 4 upgrades
The Raging BullGet the most offensive cowmutations in one go
United States of AnimalsComplete The Campaign
Vroom goes BOOM!Destroy 300 Vans
Vroom goes BOOM! GoldDestroy 600 Vans
Vroom goes BOOM! PlatinumDestroy 900 Vans
Well DoneComplete City 321
Well, isn't that GrandComplete Grand Crayon
Wheels on heelsGet all vehicles upgrades in one game
Wow such storyWow such story
You're a wizard HarryUnlock the Arcane Orb