Black Ice (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
1337Take 10x your HP in damage during a hack, and win.
AimwellWeak Point kills with specific perks.
BarreliquidatedDestroy multiple enemies with one barrel explosion.
Black HatHack a difficulty 25 Server.
Blasting Off AgainJump 2048 height total using Charge Jumps.
Boosh!Hit 10 enemies with a Mine.
Bounty ExploiterComplete an Exploit Bounty.
Bounty HunterComplete Bounties.
Bounty MinerComplete a Mine Bounty.
Bounty OpportunistComplete a World Event Bounty.
Cold, Hard CashCollect a Million Bitcreds.
CollectorCollect five different Super Duper items in the Encyclopedia.
ConnoisseurCollect 50 different Super Duper items in the Encyclopedia.
Console CowboyFinish a hack which reduced you to 1% HP.
Corporate LadderHack a server which Upgraded by killing you.
Corporate WarfareCause an enemy unit to kill another enemy unit.
CourierGet gold on 5 courier missions.
Deck PuncherReach player level 50.
Digital InfiltratorHack a difficulty 40 Server.
Don't StandDie via a Barrel that you didn't shoot.
Double TimeHack a server with two security layers.
DysruptiveBuy from the secret shop in the Arcade.
EdgerunnerFinish a hack while outside the hack radius.
Einar's HubrisUncover the truth about Quarkus.
Elite CourierGet gold on 20 courier missions.
Elite DeckerHack a server 10+ levels above you.
Ex-pertDestroy enemies with Exploits.
Expert CourierGet gold on 10 courier missions.
FeeeedbackFeedback kills with specific perks.
Final FinalityHack Finality 150.
FinHack Finality, Incorporated.
FlatlineFinish a hack with less than 5% health.
Freelance DeckerHack a difficulty 75 Server.
Gone ViralPlay online with someone with this achievement.
Grapple FragTelefrag kills with specific perks.
Guess AgainUse a Decoy 128 times.
Hard EndingHack Finality Incorporated in Permadeath Mode.
High Power HackerReach player level 100.
HoarderCollect 20 different Super Duper items in the Encyclopedia.
Hot DealsBuy from the secret shop in the Volcano.
Huege ArmyConvert enemies using minions.
Humble BeginningsSolve the starting platform puzzle.
Hunter/KillerDestroy enemies.
I, SwarmMinion kills with specific perks.
Iced Ice, BabyFreeze an enemy unit in place.
ImpossibleAttain over 9000 damage per second.
ImpressiveHack a difficulty 100 Server.
Jacking InHost a multiplayer game.
Jumping the S.H.A.R.K.Well, now you've really gone and done it.
LAN PartyPlay online with three or more friends.
MightyGet a high score in Test Your Might.
Mine, All MineDestroy enemies using mines and specific perks.
ModifierReroll an item affix.
MultikillerComplete a Multikill Bounty.
N00b HackerHack a difficulty 5 Server.
OopsExplode yourself.
Pay, Pal!Spend 100,000 Bitcredits or more on a single item.
Pinball WizardRicochet kills with specific perks.
PipeliningHack five servers at once.
Pulling the plugShatter the discoball in the Disco Palace.
PunchthroughHit 7 enemies with a Railgun.
RecyclerRecycle an item.
Ride the GlideGlide for over 15 seconds.
Rock, PaperShotgun kills with specific perks.
S.C.R.E.D.S.H.A.R.K. Container Rendered Effectively Destroyed.
Satisfied CustomerSurvive the Cavern Ambush.
Script KiddieHack your first server.
Seek and DestroyKills with specific perks.
Shocking!Hit 25 enemies with an EMP.
Smash The StateHack a shop.
SpamHack a Swarm server.
Stayed AliveConquer the Funkadelic Disco Palace.
StepwellConquer the secret stepwell in the Volcano.
StuckStick grenades to enemies.
Super RecyclerRecycle to earn a Super Duper item.
SymbiositsfishHeal your minions with specific perks.
TennerHack a difficulty 10 Server.
Thrice as NiceHack a server with three security layers.
TinkerUpgrade an item's rarity.
Top of the StackReach the top of Finality, Incorporated.
Try Before You BuyTry out a Perk in the Arcade.
UniqueFind a Unique item.
UntraceableComplete an on-level hack while taking no damage.
VengeanceRevenge damage with specific perks.
You CareGet healthcare for Maria.