Bizarre Earthquake (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Bora 25%Raise Bora stat to 25%.
Bora 50%Raise Bora stat to 50%.
Bora 75%Raise Bora stat to 75%.
Cansu 25%Raise Cansu stat to 25%.
Cansu 50%Raise Cansu stat to 50%.
Cansu 75%Raise Cansu stat to 75%.
Finisher BoraFinish the game with Bora.
Finisher CansuFinish the game with Cansu.
Hidden 25%Raise Hidden stat to 25%.
Hidden 50%Raise Hidden stat to 50%.
Hidden 75%Raise Hidden stat to 75%.
Overall 25%Raise Overall stat to 25%.
Overall 50%Raise Overall stat to 50%.
Overall 75%Raise Overall stat to 75%.
Starter BoraStart the game with Bora.
Starter CansuStart the game with Cansu.