bit Dungeon II (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Cursed WizardKill the leader of the Thief Kings, The Cursed Wizard!
Dark WorldEnter into the Dark World.
DemiurgeSlay the Demiurge.
Epic WeaponFind an epic-quality weapon.
Fiends, Wolves, Rats.Slayed the Fiend.
Fire Nob GlobSlay the Fire Nob Glob.
Ghost GirlFree the ghost from her grave.
King SkeletonKill the king of Skeletons.
LeontocephalineTis this a demon?
Level 10Reach level ten.
Mini BossKill a mini-boss.
Soul CollectorDestroy the Soul Collector.
The EaterFace The Eater!
Welcome to DieYou have died. You have all lost things. You can not take your possessions with you to the next incarnation.
YaldabothShe rules an army of beasts in the Black Church, defeat The Yaldabaoth.