Bitardia (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
An exploding sucess (22)Explode the building
Builder (15)Take the builder quest
Caravan robba (31)Rob the caravan
Direct hit (26)Get to jail after entering the police station
Forbidden love (24)Finish the "QT 3.14" quest
Generation ABU (26)Kill anons on the first mission
Good times, huh? (16)Served a term in prison
Guard (16)Take the guard quest
Happy New Year! (31)(no official description)
I am a legal alien (16)Kill cancer on the first mission
I hate these people (31)Finish the "Hotline Bitardia" quest
I love it! (18)You have finished the note-finding mission
Jon Snow (31)Finish the "Winter is coming" quest
Liberator (22)Rescue the hostage
Lookie, who we have here! (22)Finish the "Fifth Column" quest
Loser (20)You didn't accept the note-finding mission
Modern Hero (12)Kill Cancer on the first mission
Paranoia (31)Finish the "Missing part" quest
Point of no return (12)Pick Cancer Mask
Professional (24)More than 100 killed on arena
PROFIT!!! (26)Get some cash on arena
Recruitment (22)Agree to work on Abu
Sharper (31)Beat anon in cards
Shut Up And Take My Money! (26)Buy a pillow for anon
Solid Snake (26)Get to jail while taking the camera
Speechmeister (31)Get to jail after talking to police
Spooky Scary /B/itards (26)Finish a halloween-quests
STOP RIGHT THERE CRIMINAL SCUM (19)Get arrested for spoiling the stand
Straight outta Bitardia (18)Get to jail after showing the video
The Right Way (12)Pick Anon Mask
The Shawshank redemption (18)Break out of prison
Victim of the regime (26)To die, refusing to work on the Abu
Wheel of Fortune (31)Finish the "Fifth wheel" quest
You're no /b/rother to me (22)Kill anons on the first mission