Beans: The Coffee Shop Simulator (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Affogato 'bout that!Close the Game Without Saving.
BaristaComplete a Franchise.
Blow a Fuse and Make a WishPlace 100 Appliances.
Breaking BrewResearch 10 Recipes.
BusinesswomanComplete Two Franchises.
Can't Stop Thinking about Coffee!Play the game past 3am.
Clinically French PressedResearch an Abominable Recipe.
Coffeebottom HeiressComplete Five Franchises.
Cup and ComingComplete the Tutorial level.
Double Double TakeReceive an Achievement.
Espress YourselfPlace 5 Decorations.
Espresso ImpressarioHost an Event.
First SteepBegin the Tutorial Level.
GARBAGE DAY! ... hahahhaa... hahahhaha. haAllow 100 trash piles to accrue in any level.
Grind OpeningOpen your First Franchise.
Haute CaffeinePlace 100 Decorations.
Holy Sip!Earn 100,000 in Any Level.
I am the fritterResearch 25 Recipes.
I am the pun who knocksResearch 100 Recipes.
IndustrialistComplete Three Franchises.
McBeansMillions and Millions Served.
No more half-and-half measuresResearch 50 Recipes.
On the GrindServe your 100th Customer.
PerkatoryPlay the Game for 10 hours.
Recliners and Sofas and Chairs, oh my!Place 100 Pieces of Furniture.
RestauranteurComplete Four Franchises.
Sell An Abominable RecipeResearch 50 Abominable Recipes.
Smells Like Bean SpiritHost 10 Events.
Taming of the BrewComplete the Campaign Mode.
Thanks a LatteServe a Customer's Favorite Order.
Travel MugSave The Game.
Whole Latte LoveServe 50 Customers' Favorite Orders.
Why don't you take a seat right over there?Place 5 pieces of Furniture.
Your Refrigerator is RunningPlace 5 Appliances.