Baxter's Venture (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
All powered up!Unlock all power ups.
Broke my disco fever.Beat Act 4.
Cashing in my chips.Beat Act 1.
Challenge AcceptedUnlock all Challenge Levels.
Don't tease the octopus.Beat Act 3.
Going for the Gold IGet all gold doors in Act 1.
Going for the Gold IIGet all gold doors in Act 2.
Going for the Gold IIIGet all gold doors in Act 3.
Going for the Gold IVGet all gold doors in Act 4.
Going for the Gold VGet all gold doors in Act 5.
Going for the Gold VIGet all the gold doors in Challenge Levels.
Hard hats, who needs 'em!"Beat Act 2.
Let it ride!!!Collect a total of 3000 chips.
Mmmm, creepy pasta!"Beat the secret hidden boss.
Reginald WhomperBeat the game.
We don't need no stinkin one-ups!Die 100 times in one sitting.