Batla (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Acid GunPick up 900 times.
Acid SprayPick up 900 times.
ArmorPick up 2000 armor box.
BazookaPick up 900 times.
BazookaPick up 900 times.
BazookaPick up 900 times.
CandiesBring 500 candies.
Candies homeBack 500 candies on base.
Cluster MinePick up 900 times.
CritCrit 10000 damage.
CrossbowPick up 900 times.
DamageDo 55000 snowballs damage.
DamageDo 55000 balloons damage.
DamageDo 510000 damage.
Disc GunPick up 900 times.
DodgeDodge 10000 damage.
Double shot!!500 times "Double shot!!".
E.L.I.U.M.Pick up 900 times.
Enemies on the pointKill 1000 enemies at point.
First Aid KitPick up 2000 hit point box.
FlamethrowerPick up 900 times.
Fragmentation GrenadesUse 500 grenades.
FragsKill 4000 enemies.
FreezerPick up 900 times.
GaussPick up 900 times.
Gauss GunPick up 900 times.
Grenade LauncherPick up 900 times.
Grushevskiy CocktailUse 200 cocktails.
Headshot!Headshot 500 times.
Hell yeah!!!!100 times "Hell yeah!!!!".
In gibs!In gib 500 times.
JumpersUse jumper 2000 times.
Kill by Fire500 kills by fire.
Kill by Grenade2500 kills by grenade.
Kill on Jumper2500 kills on jumper.
Killed with candyKill 500 enemies with candy.
Kings pointsGet 10000 score on point.
LazerPick up 900 times.
MachingunPick up 900 times.
MagnetPick up 900 times.
MinePick up 900 times.
MinePick up 900 times.
MinePick up 900 times.
MinesDestroy 2000 mines.
MinesDestroy 2000 mines.
MinesDestroy 2000 mines.
MinigunPick up 900 times.
No mercy!!!!!50 times "No mercy!!!!!".
PlasmaPick up 900 times.
Recharge timeRecharge point 35 minutes.
Regeneration!Pick up 190 times.
ShotgunPick up 900 times.
ShotgunPick up 900 times.
ShotgunPick up 900 times.
Smoke GrenadesUse 200 grenades.
Sniper RiflePick up 900 times.
Stun GrenadesUse 200 grenades.
TeslaPick up 900 times.
Thriple monster!!!200 times "Triple monster!!!".
Time40 hour in combats.
Triple Damage!Pick up 190 times.