Achievement | How to unlock
Acid Gun | Pick up 900 times.
Acid Spray | Pick up 900 times.
Armor | Pick up 2000 armor box.
Bazooka | Pick up 900 times.
Bazooka | Pick up 900 times.
Bazooka | Pick up 900 times.
Candies | Bring 500 candies.
Candies home | Back 500 candies on base.
Cluster Mine | Pick up 900 times.
Crit | Crit 10000 damage.
Crossbow | Pick up 900 times.
Damage | Do 55000 snowballs damage.
Damage | Do 55000 balloons damage.
Damage | Do 510000 damage.
Disc Gun | Pick up 900 times.
Dodge | Dodge 10000 damage.
Double shot!! | 500 times "Double shot!!".
E.L.I.U.M. | Pick up 900 times.
Enemies on the point | Kill 1000 enemies at point.
First Aid Kit | Pick up 2000 hit point box.
Flamethrower | Pick up 900 times.
Fragmentation Grenades | Use 500 grenades.
Frags | Kill 4000 enemies.
Freezer | Pick up 900 times.
Gauss | Pick up 900 times.
Gauss Gun | Pick up 900 times.
Grenade Launcher | Pick up 900 times.
Grushevskiy Cocktail | Use 200 cocktails.
Headshot! | Headshot 500 times.
Hell yeah!!!! | 100 times "Hell yeah!!!!".
In gibs! | In gib 500 times.
Jumpers | Use jumper 2000 times.
Kill by Fire | 500 kills by fire.
Kill by Grenade | 2500 kills by grenade.
Kill on Jumper | 2500 kills on jumper.
Killed with candy | Kill 500 enemies with candy.
Kings points | Get 10000 score on point.
Lazer | Pick up 900 times.
Machingun | Pick up 900 times.
Magnet | Pick up 900 times.
Mine | Pick up 900 times.
Mine | Pick up 900 times.
Mine | Pick up 900 times.
Mines | Destroy 2000 mines.
Mines | Destroy 2000 mines.
Mines | Destroy 2000 mines.
Minigun | Pick up 900 times.
No mercy!!!!! | 50 times "No mercy!!!!!".
Plasma | Pick up 900 times.
Recharge time | Recharge point 35 minutes.
Regeneration! | Pick up 190 times.
Shotgun | Pick up 900 times.
Shotgun | Pick up 900 times.
Shotgun | Pick up 900 times.
Smoke Grenades | Use 200 grenades.
Sniper Rifle | Pick up 900 times.
Stun Grenades | Use 200 grenades.
Tesla | Pick up 900 times.
Thriple monster!!! | 200 times "Triple monster!!!".
Time | 40 hour in combats.
Triple Damage! | Pick up 190 times.