Backpack Twins (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
CastwinvaniaBeat all castle levels.
Cave explorerBeat all cave levels.
Doing things rightGamepad detected.
Doing things wrongGamepad not detected.
For scienceBeat all lab levels.
Got gud!Beat the extra level.
Gotta go fast!Beat the game in 90 minutes or less.
No floor is too hot for meBeat all lava levels.
Please don't tell...Uncover a bovine secret.
The dungeon redemptionBeat all dungeon levels.
Things!Collect all Things and get something nice.
Twin soulsDie 250 times.
TwinborneDie 1000 times.
Twins die twiceDie 2000 times.
Very win, much end, wowBeat the game.