Effect | Code
backtostart | Returns you to Fort Avernum. Very useful if you get stuck.
dontshowmeall | Stops making all characters appear on your automap.
editor | Brings up the character editor, enabling you to freely edit your party’s skills, traits, and spells.
forgiveme | Makes all of the areas in the game forget your crimes. If you were hated there, you won’t be anymore.
fps | See Avernum’s current frame rate.
giveasnack | Gives your main character some cake.
iamdrained | Recharges your spell energy.
iampoor | Gives you 500 coins.
ikilledathron | If you killed the dragon Athron before she could give you a key piece of information, this cheat code will teach it to you.
iwanttobestronger | Gives you some experience.
leetbuffz | Gives each of your characters multiple blessings.
ouchouchouch | Heals and cures your group.
owmybrains | Cures any character that is suffering from a mental effect. Also removes a death curse.
resetboats | Returns all boats to their starting positions. Boats you previously purchased will no longer be your property.
showmeall | Makes all characters (even ones you can’t see) appear on your automap.
Achievement | How to unlock
Accessory Restored | The mayor of Formello lost something of great value. Recover it.
Acolyte | Acolyte
Acolyte | Slay 100 foes.
Arch-Mage | Learn 18 mage spells at level 3.
Captain of Avernum | Complete all three game-winning quests in Avernum and never set the difficulty below Hard.
Cleric | Learn 6 priest spells at level 3.
Commander of Avernum | Complete all three game-winning quests in Avernum and never set the difficulty below Torment.
Crime and Atonement | Get a dread curse. Then cure it.
Dragonslayer! | Avernum has five dragons. See if you can whittle that down a bit.
Far Caves of Avernum | Discover 50 locations of interest.
Freedom For Avernum! | Discover a route back to the surface world. There must be one somewhere.
Gremlin's Gold | Steal the treasure from Gremlin's Gold.
Halls Of Power | Enter the Castle at last.
Herbal Adept | Have ten potions made.
Herbal Master | Have fifty potions made.
High Priest | Learn 18 priest spells at level 3.
I Can Fly! | Find something that lets you fly.
Lost Bahssikava | Find the secret at the bottom of Lost Bahssikava.
Proper Infrastructure | Purge a nefarious infiltrator from Silvar's sewers.
Reached Civilization | Escape the tunnels under Fort Avernum.
Road To Rebellion | Join the Scimitar.
Roads of Avernum | Discover 10 locations of interest.
Safety For Avernum! | Destroy the demon Grah-Hoth, making Avernum safe from his menace at last.
Scourge of the Underworld | Slay 1000 foes.
Shovel Adept | Dig up 5 caches.
Shovel Master | Dig up 40 caches.
Slay 100 foes. | Slay 100 foes.
Student of Magery | Learn a mage spell at level 3.
The Blade Reforged | Reform a legendary blade from Avernum's past.
The Great Foe Falls | Sss-Thsss will trouble Avernum no longer.
The Tower Is Safe Forever | Purge a certain powerful demon from the Tower of Magi. Phew. Hope they stay out of trouble in the future.
Valuable Ally | Meet the Archmage Erika.
Vengeance For Avernum! | Deliver harsh vengeance to the cruel tyrant who sent the Avernites into the underworld.
Ward of Avernum | Complete all three game-winning quests in Avernum and never set the difficulty below Normal.
What's That Thing? | Open a secret door.