Avernum: Escape From the Pit (PC)


Console Commands

Press Ctrl-D while playing the game and enter the code.

backtostartReturns you to Fort Avernum. Very useful if you get stuck.
dontshowmeallStops making all characters appear on your automap.
editorBrings up the character editor, enabling you to freely edit your party’s skills, traits, and spells.
forgivemeMakes all of the areas in the game forget your crimes. If you were hated there, you won’t be anymore.
fpsSee Avernum’s current frame rate.
giveasnackGives your main character some cake.
iamdrainedRecharges your spell energy.
iampoorGives you 500 coins.
ikilledathronIf you killed the dragon Athron before she could give you a key piece of information, this cheat code will teach it to you.
iwanttobestrongerGives you some experience.
leetbuffzGives each of your characters multiple blessings.
ouchouchouchHeals and cures your group.
owmybrainsCures any character that is suffering from a mental effect. Also removes a death curse.
resetboatsReturns all boats to their starting positions. Boats you previously purchased will no longer be your property.
showmeallMakes all characters (even ones you can’t see) appear on your automap.

Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
Accessory RestoredThe mayor of Formello lost something of great value. Recover it.
AcolyteSlay 100 foes.
Arch-MageLearn 18 mage spells at level 3.
Captain of AvernumComplete all three game-winning quests in Avernum and never set the difficulty below Hard.
ClericLearn 6 priest spells at level 3.
Commander of AvernumComplete all three game-winning quests in Avernum and never set the difficulty below Torment.
Crime and AtonementGet a dread curse. Then cure it.
Dragonslayer!Avernum has five dragons. See if you can whittle that down a bit.
Far Caves of AvernumDiscover 50 locations of interest.
Freedom For Avernum!Discover a route back to the surface world. There must be one somewhere.
Gremlin's GoldSteal the treasure from Gremlin's Gold.
Halls Of PowerEnter the Castle at last.
Herbal AdeptHave ten potions made.
Herbal MasterHave fifty potions made.
High PriestLearn 18 priest spells at level 3.
I Can Fly!Find something that lets you fly.
Lost BahssikavaFind the secret at the bottom of Lost Bahssikava.
Proper InfrastructurePurge a nefarious infiltrator from Silvar's sewers.
Reached CivilizationEscape the tunnels under Fort Avernum.
Road To RebellionJoin the Scimitar.
Roads of AvernumDiscover 10 locations of interest.
Safety For Avernum!Destroy the demon Grah-Hoth, making Avernum safe from his menace at last.
Scourge of the UnderworldSlay 1000 foes.
Shovel AdeptDig up 5 caches.
Shovel MasterDig up 40 caches.
Slay 100 foes.Slay 100 foes.
Student of MageryLearn a mage spell at level 3.
The Blade ReforgedReform a legendary blade from Avernum's past.
The Great Foe FallsSss-Thsss will trouble Avernum no longer.
The Tower Is Safe ForeverPurge a certain powerful demon from the Tower of Magi. Phew. Hope they stay out of trouble in the future.
Valuable AllyMeet the Archmage Erika.
Vengeance For Avernum!Deliver harsh vengeance to the cruel tyrant who sent the Avernites into the underworld.
Ward of AvernumComplete all three game-winning quests in Avernum and never set the difficulty below Normal.
What's That Thing?Open a secret door.