Achievement | How to unlock
...And All I Got was this Lousy T-Shirt | Unlock all of the game's ending sequences.
10 Types of People | Activate all six Pylons in Zone 1 or Zone 2 in binary numerical sequence.
100 Cups of Coffee | Complete the game in less than one hour.
Breaching The Net | Completed the full game.
Circuit Breaker | Finish the game with the Deactivator Instrument.
D.S. al Coda | Go back and repeat the same sequence through Zone 3 after reaching the Pylon platform.
Disruptive Influence | Finish the game with the Scrambler Instrument.
Do As You’re Programmed | Destroy yourself as CHIP commands.
Escape Artist | Get spotted by at least 50 enemies without being destroyed.
HOW DO I REACH THESE KIDS?! | Take more than 30 minutes to complete the Tutorial area.
HR Nightmare | Jump into the Reactor’s Unguarded Pit of Death.
Hideo Kojima is Not Impressed | Complete the game without being seen.
I Have Reached these Kids! | Complete the Tutorial after unlocking the achievement "HOW DO I REACH THESE KIDS?!".
I Have the Power | Finish the game with the Initiator Instrument.
Ice, Ice, Baby | Finish the game with the Freezer Instrument.
Musically-Inclined | Activate all six Pylons in Zone 1 or Zone 2, and activate the Distribution Pylon to listen to the full track.
No Good Deed | Pay a visit to the poor, neglected TERRY in Zone 1, just to give him some excitement for once.
No Turning Back | Enter Zone 3.
Red October | Complete the game using one Ping, only.
Speed Freak | Finish the game with the Velocity Instrument.
The Acrobat | Finish the game with the Elasticity Instrument.
Up the Corporate Ladder | Enter Zone 2.
Welcome to Minnesota | Freeze 15 or more enemies at a time.