A.V. (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
...And All I Got was this Lousy T-ShirtUnlock all of the game's ending sequences.
10 Types of PeopleActivate all six Pylons in Zone 1 or Zone 2 in binary numerical sequence.
100 Cups of CoffeeComplete the game in less than one hour.
Breaching The NetCompleted the full game.
Circuit BreakerFinish the game with the Deactivator Instrument.
D.S. al CodaGo back and repeat the same sequence through Zone 3 after reaching the Pylon platform.
Disruptive InfluenceFinish the game with the Scrambler Instrument.
Do As You’re ProgrammedDestroy yourself as CHIP commands.
Escape ArtistGet spotted by at least 50 enemies without being destroyed.
HOW DO I REACH THESE KIDS?!Take more than 30 minutes to complete the Tutorial area.
HR NightmareJump into the Reactor’s Unguarded Pit of Death.
Hideo Kojima is Not ImpressedComplete the game without being seen.
I Have Reached these Kids!Complete the Tutorial after unlocking the achievement "HOW DO I REACH THESE KIDS?!".
I Have the PowerFinish the game with the Initiator Instrument.
Ice, Ice, BabyFinish the game with the Freezer Instrument.
Musically-InclinedActivate all six Pylons in Zone 1 or Zone 2, and activate the Distribution Pylon to listen to the full track.
No Good DeedPay a visit to the poor, neglected TERRY in Zone 1, just to give him some excitement for once.
No Turning BackEnter Zone 3.
Red OctoberComplete the game using one Ping, only.
Speed FreakFinish the game with the Velocity Instrument.
The AcrobatFinish the game with the Elasticity Instrument.
Up the Corporate LadderEnter Zone 2.
Welcome to MinnesotaFreeze 15 or more enemies at a time.