Ascent (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Almost There...Get past the Summit.
Back For MoreBeat the game twice.
EndgameGet past the Horizon.
EnlightenedBeat the game hundred times.
FinallyBeat the game.
MasterBeat the game fifty times.
Proceed With CautionGet past the Construction.
ProfessionalBeat the game ten times.
Really UnphasedHit the ground 10000 times.
ReliefGet past the Ice.
SpeedrunnerBeat the game in less than an hour.
Super SpeedrunnerBeat the game in less than thirty minutes.
The BeginningGet past the Snow.
UnphasedHit the ground thousand times.
World ChampionBeat the game in less than fifteen minutes.