Ascendant (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
A New Challenger Appears: ChulainnUnlock Chulainn.
A New Challenger Appears: GhatUnlock Ghat.
A New Challenger Appears: GilgameshUnlock Gilgamesh.
A New Challenger Appears: HanumanUnlock Hanuman.
A New Challenger Appears: MidasUnlock Midas.
A Taste of His Own MedicineDefeat The Maw without attacking or casting spells.
All Part of the Plan...Defeat a boss with a quarter heart remaining.
AscendantBeat the game.
Bled DryBuy all of the items in a blood shop.
BlessedDiscover every blessing definition.
Blood Red SummerBeat Summer.
Boom!Kill The Automaton with his own powder kegs.
BRB, Overthrowing a DeityBeat the game in under 60 minutes.
CheapskateBeat the game without spending any influence.
Count Your BlessingsUnlock every blessing.
Cover to CoverDiscover everything in the journal.
Event PlannerVisit every special event room.
Fall Has FallenBeat Fall.
Gallon DonorSpend 16 hearts total in blood shops.
GrimoireDiscover every spell.
Heavy BreathingDiscover every breath.
Heavy HandedDeal over 1000 damage in a single attack.
HOW DO YOU LIKE IT?!?Kill an alchemist with a pot.
I Don't Need Your Charity!Beat the game with the starting weapon and spell.
IdolReach 999 Influence in a single playthrough.
Like Father, Like SonKill both versions of Grunty and his son.
MatricideKill a Mama Fly with its own egg.
Our Pots Will Blot Out The Sun!Launch 50 pots into enemies.
OzymandiasBeat the game with every character.
RNGesusEquip a unique weapon and a unique spell at the same time.
ShopaholicSpend 300 Influence in a single playthrough.
SpiritualDiscover every spirit.
Spring Has SprungBeat Spring.
Stop It!Parry a Stalker while it is dashing.
Structural FlawKnock down Grunty's tower the easy way.
The Circle of LifeEquip the Gran Bwa and Tlaloc blessings on your body at the same time.
The First of ManyDie.
The Golden TouchBeat the game with Midas.
The Hound of UlsterBeat the game with Chulainn.
The Life AsceticBeat the game without equipping a blessing.
The Long TailEquip the Loki blessing on your body with any dash trail blessing.
The One Who Saw the AbyssBeat the game with Gilgamesh.
The Peerless MageBeat the game with Ghat.
The ProdigyBeat the game with Hanuman.
The Slayer of BeastsBeat the game with Theseus.
The Warrior-KingBeat the game with Memnon.
There Can Be Only One!Beat every demigod in martial combat.
ThreepeatEquip the same blessing in the weapon, spell, and body slots.
VladImpale 30 enemies in a single playthrough.
Walking HurricaneEquip Raijin and Tiamat blessings on your body.
Weapon MasterDiscover every weapon.
Where Am I?!?Find a secret room.
Winter CameBeat Winter
You've Got Spirit, Yes You Do.Equip 15 or more spirits in a single playthrough.