Ary and the Secret of Seasons (PC)

Various Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
A Royal EncounterEngage Prince Crocus.
Apprentice WorthyMeet with the Guardians for the first time in a long time.
Black FridayDestroy 100 spheres with black crystals.
Clever GirlDefeat the Winter Golem.
Combo RenegadeCreate a mushroom chain reaction.
Didn't Stop Be-leafingDefeat the Spring Golem.
Distracted IntolerantFinish the game without completing any side quests.
Feng Shui DisruptorBreak 6 pots at once.
Hash Slinging SlasherKill 500 enemies.
Heart Breaker!Obtain all the hearts.
Kenjutsu MasterKill 5 enemies in less than 15 seconds.
Kris Kross Will Make YaJump 1000 times.
Mad Beef!Defeat Muscari.
Marine HeartDefeat the Summer Golem.
On all levels except physical, I am a Stork!Finish 9 stork towers.
Palette of SeasonsCast all seasons in one place.
Pirate of the Valdi-bbeanOpen 50 chests.
PlundererOpen 25 chests.
Pride FighterFinish the game without dying once.
QuesterComplete 10 quests.
See it through to the end!Finish the ending credits and discover the epilogue!
Slippery SlopeSlide without interruption for 5 seconds.
SpeedrunFinish the game in less than 5 hours.
Sphere wizardCast each season sphere 200 times.
Survivor of the FittestGain 1 life heart.
The Beginning of the EndGet the Guardians' revelation.
The Ember CoreDefeat all four Season Golems.
The Enemy of Your EnemyLet 25 enemies perish by other enemies.
The Loneliest NumberOpen 1 chest.
There's a bug in my soup!Defeat the Autumn Golem.
They See Me Rollin'Roll 100 times.
TwinsiesAppear almost identical to Flynn.
Weed WhackerDefeat your first Mandrake.
Wild Blue YonderGet out of Yule.
Wing ClipperTake down an enemy from afar.
WitnessWitness the season change.