Achievement | How to unlock
Apprentice | Construct ten buildings.
Architect | Construct hundred buildings.
Brave warrior | Defeat 25 enemies.
Builder | Construct fifty buildings.
Cleaner | Remove five obstacles.
Collector | Collect all trophies.
Dealer | Conclude five deals on the market.
Excellent cleaner | Remove 500 obstacles.
Experienced stonecutter | Collect 500 units of stone.
Expert | Complete all levels with three stars.
Farmer | Collect 500 units of food.
Fearless general | Defeat fifty enemies.
Gatherer | Collect five units of food.
Gold-digger | Collect thirty units of gold.
Gold-miner | Collect thousand units of gold.
Gold-prospector | Collect 500 units of gold.
Master | Complete 25 levels with three stars.
Merchant | Conclude 250 deals on the market.
Planter | Collect thousand units of food.
Pupil | Complete five levels with three stars.
Reader | Read all comics.
Recruit | Defeat five enemies.
Skillful cleaner | Remove 200 obstacles.
Skillful lumberjack | Collect 500 units of wood.
Stonecutter-master | Collect thousand units of stone.
Stonecutter | Collect twenty units of stone.
Trader | Conclude 150 deals on the market.
Woodcut master | Collect thousand units of wood.
Woodcutter | Collect thirty units of wood.