Aquaria (PC)

Don't use up ingredients when cooking

This glitch will allow you to make all the food items you want, without using up the ingredients that go into them. Basically allowing you to make infinite items as long as you have at least one of each of the base items that go into it. To do so, just select the items to combine as normal, and just as you click the "Cook" button, hit the ESC key quickly. This will close down the cooking window. You will see that the item still gets made, but the ingredients that you used won't get removed. Allowing you to make as many as you like.

Steam Achievements

Complete each condition to get the allotted achievements.

AchievementHow to unlock
A New Chapter...Reach Open Waters.
Boom ShrimpDefeat the Mantis Shrimp.
Bucking BroncoRide Ekkrit for a minute.
Combo EaterDevour 6 creatures in a row.
Dance of the Forest SpritesReach the Sprite Cave.
Dethroned King JellyDefeat the King Jelly.
DivorceDefeat Mom and Dad.
ExplorerTravel to all the areas of Aquaria.
Feather-MouthDevour a Parrot.
GulletEnter the belly of the Whale.
HealthyFind all the health eggs.
High DiveDive into the water from a certain high location...
Mass TransitFind all the Ancient Turtles.
Mergog DefeatedDefeat Mergog
Monkey FlingerFling a Monkey.
No EscapeKill the Coward.
North PoleReach the Frozen Veil.
OctogoneDefeat Octomun.
Passed ThroughReach the Veil.
Rock Crab RockedDefeat the Rock Crab.