Amazing Superhero Squad (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Corporate ratsSuccessfully complete the second week plot.
Depressive superSuccessfully accomplish the events aimed at getting the super out of depression.
DetectiveHire a detective.
Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, PhilanthropistAccumulate more than 80,000 credits at the end of the day.
IgnorerIgnore ten events.
New character!Hire a new super.
Not a matchSend non-compatible characters to the event.
One-day heroSuccessfully accomplish all the events of the day.
Problem solved!Solve the super's problem.
Shortage of staffDistribute all supers to events.
Squeezed lemonSuccessfully complete the first week plot.
Staff turnoverHire five sups.
Stupid deathLose a superhero at an event.
Super-alfaFinish all the events of the plot.
Super-solutionOpen one exotic solution.
The Rat KingFail all rat invasion missions.
The best partner!Send compatible characters to the event.
Tom StillerSuccessfully complete the third week plot.
You are fired!Fire the super.