Achievement | How to unlock
Corporate rats | Successfully complete the second week plot.
Depressive super | Successfully accomplish the events aimed at getting the super out of depression.
Detective | Hire a detective.
Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist | Accumulate more than 80,000 credits at the end of the day.
Ignorer | Ignore ten events.
New character! | Hire a new super.
Not a match | Send non-compatible characters to the event.
One-day hero | Successfully accomplish all the events of the day.
Problem solved! | Solve the super's problem.
Shortage of staff | Distribute all supers to events.
Squeezed lemon | Successfully complete the first week plot.
Staff turnover | Hire five sups.
Stupid death | Lose a superhero at an event.
Super-alfa | Finish all the events of the plot.
Super-solution | Open one exotic solution.
The Rat King | Fail all rat invasion missions.
The best partner! | Send compatible characters to the event.
Tom Stiller | Successfully complete the third week plot.
You are fired! | Fire the super.