Achievement | How to unlock
1,000 fish | Eat 1,000 fish.
10 fish | Eat 10 fish.
10,000 fish | Eat 10,000 fish.
100 fish | Eat 100 fish.
8 legs! Maybe more! | Eat an octopus.
Adult shark | Eat enough to become an adult shark.
Alpha shark | Eat enough to become an alpha shark.
Buff shark | Eat enough to be one of the strongest sharks in nature.
Cave treasure | Find the treasure in the cave.
Derelict treasure | Find the treasure at the sunken ship.
Don't hurt George | Bite the whale.
First fish | Eat your first fish.
His name is George | Find the whale.
I like turtles! | Eat a turtle.
It's not a stingray! | Eat a skate.
Jacked shark | Eat enough to be abnormally large and powerful.
Money, money, money! | AHHHHHHHHH!
North castle treasure | Find the treasure at the north castle.
Ooofff! | Kill another shark.
Oweeee! | Bite another shark.
Ripped shark | Eat enough to challenge the alpha shark.
Rock treasure | Find the treasure on a rock.
Shipping treasure | Find the treasure in the lost shipping container.
South castle treasure | Find the treasure at the south castle.
Submarine treasure | Find the treasure near the submarine.
Toxic treasure | Find the treasure in the toxic waste.
Treasure hunter | Find all the treasure.
Trench treasure | Find the treasure in the ocean trench.
Whale treasure | Find the treasure on top of the whale.