Alpha Decay (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
100 ways to dieGet 100 kills
BloodthirstGet 25 kills in one game
BulletproofGet a score of 500 without dying
ChampionWin 100 games
Decayed100.000 kills, 1000 wins, 1.000.000 score, that's it.
Division 1Rank up to Division 1
Division 2Rank up to Division 2
Division 3Rank up to Division 3
Division 5Rank up to Division 5
Division 7Rank up to Division 7
First BloodGet 1 kill
First WinWin a game for the first time
GangsterGet a score of 2000 in one game
GenocideGet 10.000 kills
InvincibleGet a score of 1000 without dying
JokerHave 15 cards in your possession
KingpinGet a score of 3000 in one game
LegendEarn one legendary card
Mass MurderGet 1000 kills
MasterWin 500 games
Millionaire x10Earn 10.000.000 credits
New ContestantWin 10 games
ProfessionalWin 50 games
Serial KillerGet 500 kills
ThugGet a score of 1000 in one game