Albino Hunter, The (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

AchievementHow to unlock
A Friendly BrawlFight Leonarda.
A Gallant DefenseFight Dei Caprillo.
A Goal Worth Working TowardsWork towards winning Quinta’s father’s favour.
A Lifetime AgoListen to Morkar’s account of what happened to Ganguro.
Affectionate HealingRun away with Quinta.
An Evening Well SpentSpend the evening with Helga.
An Odd MatchFind a Bride for Frankfert the Odd.
An Unworn Wedding DressConfront Ganguro’s Ex-Fiancé.
And Now They're A Couple?Get Ashesh and Malika together.
Backstabbing Goodie-Two-ShoesGet killed by Fargo.
Blatent SnooperTake advantage of your friendship with Helga.
Daddy IssuesDiscover Helga's bitter relationship with her father.
Death By Mysterious CircumstancesGet killed by ???.
Deliberate Diary ReaderAttempt to read Ganguro Manba’s diary.
Demo FinisherPlay the game past the point where the demo ended.
Did Lazarus Even Become Human Again?Prove that you were 100% crazy the whole time.
Don't Tell Me What I Can't DoDeliberately go against Tabatha’s wishes.
Evil Never RestsFind out that Henry was the villain all along!
Ex's WrathGet killed by Vivian and Salvadore.
Father of the BrideFind the book “How to Be the Bride’s Father”.
Feeling Kitty Ripped OffRetrieve Henry’s Cat.
Finally At PeaceAvenge Tabatha's husband, Benjamin Smith.
Forever AloneDecide that you're better off living life by yourself.
Happily Ever AfterMarry Vivian.
Hipster KalymnSleep through Quinta’s Party.
Horrid Family PortraitsFind the rather disturbing painting of your Father-In-Law.
Impromptu ProposalHelp Smith confess his love for Prisilla.
My Black LadyDefeat the third monster.
Natural Selection AdvocateTry to let Aline get eaten by wolves.
Pretty Two-FacedAccept and then back out of a deal with Fargo’s Hooker.
REJECTED!Confess your feelings to Quinta only to be flat out rejected.
Shameless SnooperInvade Prisilla’s privacy obsessively to the point where you get kicked out.
She Trusted You...Watch the execution.
The Bow of the Guardian and Staff of DominionDefeat the fifth and final monster.
The Dawn's SickleDefeat the first monster.
The Great Teleportation ScamGet ripped off by the Teleportation Fairy.
The Gunginr SpearDefeat the second monster.
The Philosophical SlimeInteract with the Philosophical Slime.
The Price of FreedomFree Lazarus from his debt to Salvadore.
The Real RatDefend the Rattled Man from a rat infestation.
The Yin and Yang ClawsDefeat the fourth monster.
There Were No Survivors...Get the entire village slaughtered.
This is Why Everyone Hates Escort MissionsEscort Scourge's crystal delivery.
Toxic TemperGet killed by the Stressed Chef.
What IS Down There?Look down the hole in Pleasure’s.