Achievement | How to unlock
100% Efficiency Award | Achieve 100% efficiency at any airport.
90% Efficiency Award | Achieve 90% efficiency at any airport.
Anchorage 100-Plane Challenge | Move 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Controlling Machine Award | Achieve the rank of Controlling Machine.
Experienced Controller Award | Achieve the rank of Experienced Controller.
Expert Award | Achieve the rank of Expert.
Funchal 100-Plane Challenge | Move 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Guru Award | Achieve the rank of Guru.
Heathrow 100-Plane Challenge | Move 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Honolulu 100-Plane Challenge | Move 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Instructor Award | Achieve the rank of Instructor.
Las Vegas 100-Plane Challenge | Move 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Licensed But Dangerous Award | Achieve the rank of Licensed But Dangerous.
Master Award | Achieve the rank of Master.
New York 100-Plane Challenge | Move 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Power Controller Award | Achieve the rank of Power Controller.
Safe Controller Award | Achieve the rank of Safe Controller.
San Francisco 100-Plane Challenge | Move 100 airplanes with no crashes.
Supervisor Award | Achieve the rank of Supervisor.
Time Trial Bronze Award | Move at least 55 planes in 10 minutes.
Time Trial Gold Award | Move at least 85 planes in 10 minutes.
Time Trial Silver Award | Move at least 70 planes in 10 minutes.
Time Trial Tin Award | Move at least 40 planes in 10 minutes.
Tin Pusher Award | Achieve the rank of Tin Pusher.
Trainee Award | Achieve the rank of Trainee.
Vancouver 100-Plane Challenge | Move 100 airplanes with no crashes.