AI Olympius (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Amphora haterDestroy fifty amphores.
Art connoisseurSit on the couch near the flying paintings.
Feathers on the windDestroy twenty wings.
Forgotten sandsVisit a hiden location on one of the first levels
Home Sweet HomeVisit cliff city.
I'm not a catFind and wear cat headphones.
It's cold insideLight a fire in refrigerating chamber.
Medieval siegeSurvive the siege of the castle.
My eye!Shoot at the observer drone.
RiderRide a Centaur.
RooftopVisit the roof of the building on one of the first levels.
Silence!Destroy hundred Screamers.
You have a backup, right?Destroy all servers in headquarters.
You're my friend nowControl fifteen robots or turrets with the hacking skill or using a bow.