Age of Empires: Definitive Edition (PC)

Cheat Codes

To enter the following cheats, you must press [Enter] anytime during gameplay. Next, type the letters to the left, and press [Enter].

BIG BERTHACatapult has range of 16 and area effect diameter of 10.
BIGDADDYcooles Cart with Rocketlauncher.
BLACK RIDERcreats a new unit.
Big MommaCreates a White Sports Car.
COINAGEgive yourself 1,000 gold.
DARK RAINall composit bowmen become stealth archers.
DIEDIEDIEeveryone (including you) dies.
FLYING DUTCHMANJuggernaught can move on land.
GAIAControl the Animals.
HARI KARIdestroys all of your buildings and units.
HOME RUNgives you instant victory in a scenario.
HOYOHOYOgives Priest speed of 6 and 600 hit points.
ICBMBallista has range of 100.
JACK BE NIMLEcatepultes fire out cows and villagers.
KILLXkill Player in Position X (1-8)
Killercrocbuildings are built fast.
King ArthurChanges all birds into Dragons.
MEDUSAAll People are Medusa.
NO FOGturns off Fog of War.
PEANUTBUTTER1,000,000 food, wood, gold, and stone.
PEPPERONI PIZZAgive yourself 1,000 food.
PHOTON MANYou become a Fighter with Laserkanon.
QUARRYgive yourself 1,000 stone.
RESIGNyou resign.
REVEAL MAPreveals entire map.
REVEAL MAPreveals the entire map.
STEROIDSturns on quick build.
StormbillyCreates some sort of walker.
VICTORYGo to next level.
WOODSTOCKgive yourself 1,000 wood.

Keyboard Commands

CTRL-F1000 food.
CTRL-G1000 gold.
CTRL-PLeft click to place more rock.
CTRL-S1000 stone.
CTRL-TNew menu under wood, food, gold and stone.
CTRL-W1000 wood.
CTRL-QSpeeds up building.
F6Full map toggle.
F7Fog of war toggle.

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
21st Century (20 points)Train 21 Centurions.
Artemis (25 points)Hunt 250 animals.
Atlas (20 points)Explore all areas of a single map.
Axe To Grind (25 points)Train 400 Axemen.
Big In Japan (50 points)Complete the Yamato Empire of the Rising Sun campaign.
Cute Cats (25 points)Build 500 heavy catapults.
Dancing Chariots (25 points)Train 400 Assyrian Chariot Archers.
Epic (50 points)Complete the Glory of Greece campaign.
Eye in the sky (30 points)Win a random map without training any archery units.
Eye of Horus (20 points)Convert 20 units with Egyptian Priests.
Feet on the ground (30 points)Win a random map game without training any cavalry.
Heracles (20 points)Defeat a Lion (Alpha)
Hittite Baby One More Time (50 points)Complete the Reign of the Hittites campaign.
Homes? (20 points)Build 500 houses.
Hun, is that you? (25 points)Destroy 200 temples.
Imperial Peace (50 points)Complete the Imperium Romana campaign.
Losing Your Religion (20 points)Convert an enemy Priest.
Minoan Compies (20 points)Train 100 Minoan Composite Bowman.
Not that I'm keeping count... (20 points)Defeat thousand enemy units.
Parthian Shot (20 points)Train 500 Horse Archers.
Pharaoh (50 points)Complete the Ascent of Egypt learning campaign.
Punic Attack (50 points)Complete the First Punic War campaign.
Rise And Wall (20 points)Build 789 Shang wall segments.
Roma Victrix (50 points)Complete the Rise of Rome campaign.
Scytheseeing (20 points)Train hundred Egyptian Scythe Chariots.
Smoking Ziggurats (50 points)Complete the Voices of Babylon campaign.
Syntagma (25 points)Train 256 Macedonian Hoplites.
The Choson Ones (25 points)Create thousand Choson Legions.
The Elephant In The Rome (50 points)Complete the Enemies of Rome campaign.
Towers of Babel (20 points)Build fifty Babylonian Towers.
Veni, Vidi, Vici (50 points)Complete the Ave Caesar campaign.
Wololo (25 points)Convert thousand units.