Adrenalin Extreme Show (PC)

Cheat Mode

Start the game. Press [SHIFT] + [~] to open the game Console. Enter your codes.

pl_addmoney [#](same effect as 'makemerich')
makemerich1000000 gold added to local player
makemerich [#]Adds the specified # of gold to your account (can be negative too, for whatever reason you would do that)
skipstageAdvance Stage (assumed this would skip a race of a championship/contract, but it seems to have no effect other than crashing the game if you run it too many times)
breakwinCause the windows on your vehicle to be broken
timescale [#]Change the game speed
ai_enable [0/1]Disable/Enable the Artificial Intelligence of enemy drivers
timescaleDisplay the current game speed
nightmareEnemies enforced
robinhoodPlayers received/lost some money
transportTeleports your vehicle to another location on the track
devilsmachineToggle all andrenalin devices mode (gives you most of the powerups along the top of the screen)
givemethepowerToggle infinite adrenalin (used for Nitro Boost & Adrenalin Devices)
ghostintheshelterToggle Invisibility (makes enemy drivers ignore you?)
ghostintheshelterToggle Invisibility (makes enemy drivers ignore you?)
elixirToggle Invulnerability mode
lightspeedToggle max speed survive.
keymasterTracks unlocked (you must have a profile loaded for this to work, and you must not be in the track selection screen)
sidelights [0/1]Turn the sidelights off/on (seems to be the rear lights on some vehicles)