Act of Aggression (PC)

Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
Air InterdictionDestroy 10 helicopters.
Air superiorityDefeat the most powerfull airforce in the world.
Among the shadowsComplete all Cartel's Episodes.
AntitrustComplete all Chimera's Episodes.
Arsenal of Democracy (Multiplayer)Win a multiplayer game with the US faction.
Arsenal of Democracy (Solo)Win a skirmish game with the US faction.
Battle RoyalePlay a FFA game.
Bellerophon (Multiplayer)Win a multiplayer game with the Cartel faction.
Bellerophon (Solo)Win a skirmish game with the Cartel faction.
BloodshedMake a total annihilation for a mass effect.
Bounty HunterGet 10 POW in jail or in hospital.
Budget cutGood commanders can do everything with almost nothing.
ButcherDestroy 500 enemy units.
By the numbersPrevent the enemy to cut your escape route.
CapitalistExtract 5000$ from banks.
CollectorComplete 10 achievements.
ColonelReach level 20.
Come down here and fight !Knock down a maximum of choppers in a defensive situation.
CompetitorPlay a ranked game.
Coup d'EtatComplete Chimera's 9th Episode.
Death TollComplete Chimera's 4th Episode.
DuelPlay a skirmish game opposing 2 teams.
Everybody home todayDon't lose a single soldier during Yao's arrestation.
ExperiencedBeat a Medium AI in a skirmish game.
First stepBeat an Easy AI in a skirmish game.
GolemExtract 500 rare earth elements.
Greedy SchaeferMake sure there is no ressources left in the airbase stocks.
Ground ControlNeutralize all the hostile command centers in the Baïkonour Cosmodrome.
HackerComplete Chimera's 5th Episode.
Half men, Half machines 100% soldierKeep all your commando alive during the chinese operation.
HeistTake control of a bank.
Into the valley of death ...Complete Cartel's 4th Episode.
Iron ManExtract 10.000 metal.
JanusComplete all Chimera & Cartel's Episodes.
Judgement DayComplete Chimera's 3rd Episode.
Last SurvivorWin a FFA game.
LieutenantReach level 10.
Like a truckDon't lose a single truck you're tasked to protect.
Mexican StandoffPlay a skirmish game opposing 4 teams.
MoctezumaComplete Chimera's 10th Episode.
Neutral GroundComplete Chimera's 7th Episode.
No one left behindSave every single wounded soldier in a desperate situation.
No quarterWin a game without taking any prisoner.
None shall pass!Intercept an enemy super-weapon.
Quick Reaction Force (Multiplayer)Win a multiplayer game with the Chimera faction.
Quick Reaction Force (Solo)Win a skirmish game with the Chimera faction.
RapaceDeploy a plane.
Reign of TerrorLaunch a super-weapon.
SalvationThe more we are, the stronger we become.
SchizophrenicWin a skirmish game with each of the 3 factions.
SchizophrenicWin a skirmish game with each of the 3 factions.
SergeantReach level 5.
ShowdownComplete Cartel's 5th Episode.
Soviet supremeDon't waste the gifts you are given.
SputnikComplete Chimera's 8th Episode.
Squad LeaderAdd 5 friend (whom must accept).
StakhanovistProduce 50 units in a single game.
SuperfindSteal the equipement stored in a Cartel Outpost.
Sword of DamoclesComplete Chimera's 6th Episode.
Taste your own medecineCrush the rebels with their own stuff.
Team PlayerAdd 1 friend (whom must accept)
The best defense"My centre is yielding. My right is retreating. Situation excellent. I am attacking".
The RaidComplete Chimera's 1st Episode.
The Train JobComplete Chimera's 2nd Episode.
Thor's HammerComplete Cartel's 3rd Episode.
ThriftyEvery Soldier is important, take care of them.
Tin WoodmanExtract 500 aluminium.
TriumviratPlay a skirmish game opposing 3 teams.
UnbreakableM1 Abrams is reputed to be impossible to destroy, let the legend live on.
VéteranBeat a Hard AI in a skirmish game.
Viva la Revolucion!Complete Cartel's 1st Episode.
Wolf TamerComplete Cartel's 2nd Episode.