Achievement | How to unlock
Air Interdiction | Destroy 10 helicopters.
Air superiority | Defeat the most powerfull airforce in the world.
Among the shadows | Complete all Cartel's Episodes.
Antitrust | Complete all Chimera's Episodes.
Arsenal of Democracy (Multiplayer) | Win a multiplayer game with the US faction.
Arsenal of Democracy (Solo) | Win a skirmish game with the US faction.
Battle Royale | Play a FFA game.
Bellerophon (Multiplayer) | Win a multiplayer game with the Cartel faction.
Bellerophon (Solo) | Win a skirmish game with the Cartel faction.
Bloodshed | Make a total annihilation for a mass effect.
Bounty Hunter | Get 10 POW in jail or in hospital.
Budget cut | Good commanders can do everything with almost nothing.
Butcher | Destroy 500 enemy units.
By the numbers | Prevent the enemy to cut your escape route.
Capitalist | Extract 5000$ from banks.
Collector | Complete 10 achievements.
Colonel | Reach level 20.
Come down here and fight ! | Knock down a maximum of choppers in a defensive situation.
Competitor | Play a ranked game.
Coup d'Etat | Complete Chimera's 9th Episode.
Death Toll | Complete Chimera's 4th Episode.
Duel | Play a skirmish game opposing 2 teams.
Everybody home today | Don't lose a single soldier during Yao's arrestation.
Experienced | Beat a Medium AI in a skirmish game.
First step | Beat an Easy AI in a skirmish game.
Golem | Extract 500 rare earth elements.
Greedy Schaefer | Make sure there is no ressources left in the airbase stocks.
Ground Control | Neutralize all the hostile command centers in the Baïkonour Cosmodrome.
Hacker | Complete Chimera's 5th Episode.
Half men, Half machines 100% soldier | Keep all your commando alive during the chinese operation.
Heist | Take control of a bank.
Into the valley of death ... | Complete Cartel's 4th Episode.
Iron Man | Extract 10.000 metal.
Janus | Complete all Chimera & Cartel's Episodes.
Judgement Day | Complete Chimera's 3rd Episode.
Last Survivor | Win a FFA game.
Lieutenant | Reach level 10.
Like a truck | Don't lose a single truck you're tasked to protect.
Mexican Standoff | Play a skirmish game opposing 4 teams.
Moctezuma | Complete Chimera's 10th Episode.
Neutral Ground | Complete Chimera's 7th Episode.
No one left behind | Save every single wounded soldier in a desperate situation.
No quarter | Win a game without taking any prisoner.
None shall pass! | Intercept an enemy super-weapon.
Quick Reaction Force (Multiplayer) | Win a multiplayer game with the Chimera faction.
Quick Reaction Force (Solo) | Win a skirmish game with the Chimera faction.
Rapace | Deploy a plane.
Reign of Terror | Launch a super-weapon.
Salvation | The more we are, the stronger we become.
Schizophrenic | Win a skirmish game with each of the 3 factions.
Schizophrenic | Win a skirmish game with each of the 3 factions.
Sergeant | Reach level 5.
Showdown | Complete Cartel's 5th Episode.
Soviet supreme | Don't waste the gifts you are given.
Sputnik | Complete Chimera's 8th Episode.
Squad Leader | Add 5 friend (whom must accept).
Stakhanovist | Produce 50 units in a single game.
Superfind | Steal the equipement stored in a Cartel Outpost.
Sword of Damocles | Complete Chimera's 6th Episode.
Taste your own medecine | Crush the rebels with their own stuff.
Team Player | Add 1 friend (whom must accept)
The best defense | "My centre is yielding. My right is retreating. Situation excellent. I am attacking".
The Raid | Complete Chimera's 1st Episode.
The Train Job | Complete Chimera's 2nd Episode.
Thor's Hammer | Complete Cartel's 3rd Episode.
Thrifty | Every Soldier is important, take care of them.
Tin Woodman | Extract 500 aluminium.
Triumvirat | Play a skirmish game opposing 3 teams.
Unbreakable | M1 Abrams is reputed to be impossible to destroy, let the legend live on.
Véteran | Beat a Hard AI in a skirmish game.
Viva la Revolucion! | Complete Cartel's 1st Episode.
Wolf Tamer | Complete Cartel's 2nd Episode.