Aberoth (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
AbleObtain level twenty five in any skill.
AccomplishedObtain a total of two hundred skill levels.
AdeptObtain a total of one hundred skill levels.
AdventurerComplete twenty five unique quests.
CamaraderieJoin a guild.
ChampionBecome a champion.
CharmingFind and activate a charm.
Defender of the RealmDefeat ten thousand enemies.
Good LifeObtain level ten in the life skill.
Home Sweet HomePurchase a vault.
ImpenetrableHave a defense of at least fifty.
InsomniaResist being put to sleep.
Life LessonObtain the life skill.
NobleDefeat one thousand enemies.
Pet OwnerTame and name a pet.
ProsperousBank ten thousand gold.
RaiderDefeat the skeleton king Skaldor.
RenownedEarn a reputation.
Safety in NumbersMake five allies.
SaverBank one thousand gold.
SecretsFind a secret passage.
SecurityPersonalize five pieces of equipment.
SpellcasterObtain the magic skill.
SurvivorSurvive being diseased.
SwimmerSubmerge yourself in water.
ValiantDefeat one hundred enemies.
VersatileLearn eight different skills.
WealthyBank one hundred thousand gold.
Well RestedSpend a night at Tavelor's inn.
Well RoundedLearn four different skills.