10 Second Ninja (PC)


Various Steam Achievements

Complete the indicated task to unlock the achievement.

AchievementHow to unlock
10 Second LegendFinish every world with 3 stars.
10 Second NinjaFinish every world.
Biscuit BuddiesFiddle around with the settings.
Block PartyDrop a falling block on an enemy's head.
BWAAAAAAAAGH!Go into the light.
DON'T LOOK AT METoggle off the leaderboards OUT OF SHAME.
Double TapPress restart before the timer has even begun.
FUUUUUUUUUU-Finish a level with 0.03 or less from your next star rating (or 3 star the entire game).
ICE to see you! ..ICE! AhahahaMake an icicle fall on an enemy's head.
If It Ain't Hurtin', It Ain't Workin'Die over 50 times.
Is It A Game, Though?Wander around a level for its duration without murdering anything.
It BeginsGet your first star rating.
Out of AmmoUnknown.
Real Power - BonusFinish the fifth world.
Real Power - CanyonFinish the second world.
Real Power - DeathcubeFinish the fourth world.
Real Power - ForestFinish the first world.
Real Power - IceFinish the third world.
Real Ultimate Power - BonusFinish the fifth world with a 3 star rating.
Real Ultimate Power - CanyonFinish the second world with a 3 star rating.
Real Ultimate Power - DeathcubeFinish the fourth world with a 3 star rating.
Real Ultimate Power - ForestFinish the first world with a 3 star rating.
Real Ultimate Power - IceFinish the third world with a 3 star rating.
S***t Just Got RealComplete the tutorial.
Spikes.. Spikes Spikes Spikes SpikesShots.. Shots Shots Shots Shots - die on spikes five times in a row.
Still AliveSpend 5 seconds or more without touching the ground.
Try and Try Again..Restart over 500 times.
Two Birds With One StoneKill two enemies with one shuriken.
Ugh! Let Me Play!Skip a cutscene.