Code | Effect
XfMdZTHwiR3 jaj6jfRUDEt tilm2tWRo8b | Final Boss, w/ Max Stats, Dragon Feet, Stone Hands, Grand Slam, and Texas Boots
XfMdZTHUPR3 rztzPeQUCTt 61lxhtWRo2b | Final Boss, w/ Max Stats, Stone Hands, Dragon Feet, Acro Circus, Grand Slam, 4 Karma Jolts, and $999.99 cash
t1izvpdOZnZ JxNkJp7Cpub XMPQgXErSMF | Ivan Beaten, High School Open
w412ysgtMqc MUSjKm2PqtE UJMNdUTGOQC | Power Up
jrYplfTgbdj nOorLTIYXwR SjTuqpilUHP | Start w/ all abilities and 500$ in cash
fHUFBbvcnpa MS8iPpICZJP VKNOeVRQPDD | Strange Item in Inventory that gives stat increases.