LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars (Nintendo Wii)

Battle Droid Commander

Enter LSULJ as your code from the "Extras" menu to unlock the Battle Droid Commander.

Beat the Zillo Beast

To beat the Zillo Beast, get about 100,000 credits; you may not need that much, but just to be safe get it anyway. Go to every build area and build a turret on each one. Check every build area and find the one that will let you build tanks. Build a bunch of X-130 Tanks and you're done. All you have to do now is watch. And maybe help a little.

Get studs again

If you collect all the studs in the spacship go to the character custimization you don't have to click it then go out and you can get all the studs again.

Making Money

Score modifiers are your friend: Aim to get the red bricks which unlock each one, and have all of the ones you've unlocked on at once. The purple stud which appears next to the shop normally gives you 150,00 or so, so with modifiers:

2 x 15,000=30,000 2 x 4 x 15,000=120,000 2 x 4 x 6 x 15,000=720,000 2 x 4 x 6 x 8 x 15,000=5,760,000 2 x 4 x 6 x 8 x 10 x 15,000=57,600,000

That's a lot of studs! Unlocking all the characters/hints only costs around 4,000,000 total, so you're all set.

Minikit characters

Collect all 10 minikit pieces in the indicated level to unlock the corresponding character for purchase at the Minikit Room.

Admiral Ackbar: Gungun General
Boba Fett: Grievous Intrigue
Captain Antilles: Innocents of Ryloth
Chewbacca: The Zillo Beast
Clone Shadow Trooper: Blue Shadow Virus
Darth Maul: Rookies
Darth Sidious: Geonosian Arena
Darth Vader: Legacy of Terror
Darth Vader (Battle Damaged): Ambush!
Greedo: The Hidden Enemy
Han Solo: Duel of the Droids
Imperial Guard: Castle of Doom
Lando Calrissian: Shadow of Malevolence
Luke Skywalker: Weapons Factory
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode IV): Jedi Crash
Princess Leia: Battle of Geonosis
Qui-Gon Jinn: Storm over Ryloth
Rebel Commando: Lair of Grievous
Stormtrooper: Liberty on Ryloth
Tusken Raider: Hostage Crisis
Vader's Apprentice: Defenders of Peace
Wedge Antilles: Destroy Malevolence

Savage Opress

One character in the game, Savage Opress, can only be unlocked by entering a code. Pause the game, then select "Extras" followed by "Enter Secret Code." The code you want to enter is MELL07, which will unlock the extra character.

Super Sabers

Sabers - Longer and wider blade for all lightsabers!

Use The Force on Battle Droids

Use the force to pick a Super Battle Droid up. When you do it will fire rapidly. Use this to destroy gold LEGO structures.

Various Codes

Enter the following codes for the desired effect.

3F5L56Perfect Deflect
x1v4n2Dark Side
gchp7sFast Build
csd5naMinikit Detector
b1d3w3Super Speeders
yzphuvScore X2
43t5e5Score X4
sebhgrScore X6
byfsaqScore X8
n1ckr1Score X10
6mz5chStud Magnet
2d7jnsRegenerate Hearts
qd2c31Character Studs
bs828kSuper Saber Cut
c4es4rDual Wield
4gt3vqGlow in the Dark
5u9fjkObi-Wan Kenobi (Geonosian Arena)
9aa4dwAnakin Skywalker (Geonosian Arena)
sz824qPadme Amidala (Geonosian Arena)
j9hnf9Obi-Wan Kenobi
f9vuyjAnakin Skywalker
8x87u6Padme Amildala
smn259Commander Cody
3neuxcLieutenant Thire
mesptsJar Jar Binks
mw3qyhCaptain Rex
rctflvAnakin's Jedi Starfighter
aka9bbV-19 Torrent Starfighter
8nvrwjMace Windu
jrpr2aCommander Ponds
pywj6nKit Fitso
5xzqsvCommando Stone
2vg95bAayla Secura
c7m3duRepublic Gunship
7cb6nsCommander Bly
vruvszWag Too
mkuyq8Luminara Uunduli
btvtz5Barriss Offee
np5gttClone Trooper
bud4vuPlo Koon
l4lcdvPlo Koon's Jedi Starfighter
zkxg43Nahdar Vebb
u25hfcCommander Fil
wxutwyHeavy Weapons Clone Trooper
g2bfenAdi Gallia
wufdyaEeth Koth
nhme85Cad Bane
m2v1jvAurra Sing
g4n7c2Shahan Alama
4axty4HELIOS 3D
qegu64Commando Droid
ewr7wmCount Dooku
ng6pyxAdmiral Yularen
5kzq4dJango Fett
5y7ma4Battle Droid
mjkdv5Super Battle Droid
c686pkGonk Droid
sm3y9bLEP Servent Droid
2c8nhpGold Super Battle Droid
gd6fx3Captain Typho
zqrn85Queen Neeyutnee
j2jnddRepublic Dropship (Rapid Fire)
lsu4ljBattle Droid Commander
5a7xyxHondo Hohnaka
bh2ehuPirate Ruffian
ea4e9sSenator Kharrus
t4k5L4The Twilight
fyvshdTee Watt Kaa
hebhw5Turk Falso
j3mfjzRepublic Cruiser (Missiles & Torpedos)
u2t4spProbe Droid
r35y7nLurman Villager
gafzudGeonosian Guard
mp9dreWorkout Clone Trooper
9u4tf3Bib Fortuna
qgenfdUndead Geonosian
9muts2Destroyer Droid
xtl6y3Y-Wing Starfighter
g65kjjHeavy Super Battle Droid
bet7cuMedical Frigate (Torpedos)
77qejlH-Type Nubian Yacht
h68d3kKit Fitso's Jedi Starfighter
bqcxwrRepublic Attack Shuttle
hq7bvdClone Pilot
hrx2ukJedi Shuttle
5c62yqSionver Boll
zy3ae2Arc-170 Starfighter (Rapid Fire)
gehx6cBail Organa
v4wmjnLuxury Droid
db7zqnOnaconda Farr
9q7yctSenator Philo
s4y7vwSenate Commando (Republic)
epbplkSenate Commando
wsfzzqGammorean Guard
7fnu4tGeneral Grievous
yg9dd7Asajj Ventress
272y9qAdmiral Ackbar (Classic)
d8sngjCaptain Antilles (Classic)
66uu3tChewbacca (Classic)
kfdbxfHan Solo (Classic)
eraeweLando Calrissian (Classic)
2d3d3lPrincess Leia (Classic)
pg73hfLuke Skywalker (Classic)
ffbu5mObi-Wan Kenobi (Classic)
lkhd3bQui-Gon Jinn (Classic)
pzmqnkRebel Commando (Classic)
drglwsWedge Antilles (Classic)
ty2byjBobba Fett (Classic)
fuw4c2Greedo (Classic)
qh68akDarth Maul (Classic)
qxy5xnDarth Sidius (Classic)
fm4jb7Darth Vader (Classic)
nmjfblDarth Vader Battle Damaged (Classic)
egqq4vVader's Apprentice (Classic)
5w6fgdImperial Guard (Classic)
7gfncqClone Shadow Trooper (Classic)
hpe7pzStormtrooper (Classic)
gc2xsaTuscan Raider (Classic)
mb9emwDr Nuvo Vindi
zp8xvhWat Tambor
tkcyuzLok Durd
4592wmPoggle The Lesser
qfyxmcNute Gunray
4vvyqvWhorm Loathsom
5c62yqChancellor Palpatine
NH2405Grand Moff Tarkin
mell07Savage Opress
aa279hAT-AP Walker
p8z9m5RX-200 Tank
ymwv33BARC Speeder
rylvnwSuper Tank
nacmggDwarf Spider Droid
t7xf9zHailfire Droid
7nec36OG-9 Homing Spider Droid
3nqgyLPirate Speeder Tank
3re9xvStarhawk Speeder Bike
25fmvtObi-Wan's Jedi Starfighter
kddqvdSlave I
xpy46kStealth Ship (Missiles + Torpedos)
7rl23gSoulless One (Rapid Fire)
jsbljsTrident Assault Craft (Missiles + Torpedos)
pj2u3rGeonosian Solar Sailor
npgg24Hyena Bomber
7w7k7sVulture Droid
edenecGeonosian Starfighter
6lt4qlNeimodian Shuttle
z567hrPirate Saucer (Missiles)
hj5hhdMagnaguard Starfighter
lq2svtXanadu Blood (Rapid Fire)
mhg3xbThe Halo (Rapid Fire)