Jett Rocket (Nintendo Wii)


Complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding award.

1000 CellsCollect a thousand solar cells.
Break even!Break fifteen stalagmites in a level.
Crushed IceDash twelve Ice-cubes in a level.
Dash em allDash all robots in a level.
Drohn hunting!Clear all Drohn robots in a level.
Get them allGet all solar cells in a level.
I have a secretFind ten different secrets.
Love of my lifeCollect and keep ten lives.
Mr. NiceguyComplete a level without attacking any enemy.
No cellarylComplete a level without collecting any solar cells.
Run Jett, run!Complete a Jungle level in under three minutes.
SpeedrunComplete a Northpole level in under three minutes.
The DoorsDash a robot with a door.
TimeattackComplete a Atoll level in less than twenty seconds
Tom TomDash eight Tank Toms in a level.

Tree Hearts

If you dash into a tree with a long trunk, a heart pops out. You can repeat this infinitely.