It seemed to take forever on this one, until I discovered the only place that I would get close was on the missing Hawk Eyes- The Escort. I kept getting 9 kills on this mission at the beginning, then found that if you do it on the first group you come to by waiting until the copter comes around the 2nd time to really hit them with your fire power. Then when the chopper is facing down a street, you will see buildings to the right of the street. Just to the north of those buildings there is a large Semi-truck. A large group of hostiles will emerge from behind this truck. Once they are in front of the truck fire a missile into the truck. Immediately fire another missile into the group, this should do it, but you can also fire your last missile into the group on the left side of the street to make sure. I got it with the 2 missiles, but keep in mind that you don't have to play the whole mission if you miss. You can simply restart and try again, saving time. Since I had played this mission numerous times (mostly to try and get the medal for the shots fired) I just backed out of the game after doing the 10 kills and it let me keep them. I didn't have to finish the mission, fortunately.