Donkey Kong Country Returns (Nintendo Wii)

3 Extra Lives

Begin playing one of your game saves with a low battery charge on your remote to initiate a message from Cranky; he will warn that your battery is low and award you extra lives to help you out.

Bonus level

All levels in a world except for the Boss levels have hidden K, O, N, and G letters. Collect all four of those letters in all levels in a world to unlock a bonus level. There are a total of eight bonus levels.

Extra lives

Resume a game from a save with a Wiimote with a low battery. Cranky will warn you that your battery is low and give you three extra lives.

Hidden Music galleries

To unlock the following, complete the following tasks.

GalleryHow to unlock
Gallery: Beach musicBeat the Boss at the Beach section.
Gallery: Cave musicBeat the Boss at the Cave section.
Gallery: Cliff musicBeat the Boss at the Cliff section.
Gallery: Factory musicBeat the Boss at the Factory section.
Gallery: Forest musicBeat the Boss at the Forest section.
Gallery: Jungle musicBeat the Boss at the Jungle section.
Gallery: Ruins musicBeat the Boss at the Ruins section.
Gallery: Volcano musicBeat the Boss at the Volcano section.

Metroid - Ridley's head

In the silhouette level of the factory area, at the background of the factory equipment, you see the shape of Ridleys head.

More hits and rewards

When you collect your prize from the barrel at the end of the level, keep the Wiimote vertically and make punching motions to get multiple hits, and more rewards.

Rare Orb

Successfully complete the bonus level in a world.

World 9

Collect all eight Rare Orbs to unlock World 9, "The Golden Temple".