Top Gear Rally 2 (Nintendo 64)

100,00 Sponsor Credits in Support Van

L Button, Z button, START, L button, L button

Bouncy Cars

C-Up, C-Left, R button, L button, Down(on control pad)

Chubby world view

Z button, C-right, L button, Up(on control pad), Right(on control pad)

High Res Mode (REQUIRES Expansion Pak)

C-Left, C-Left, Left(on control pad), L button, L button.

Max Champ points in Support Van

L button, C-Up, Left(on control pad), L button, L button

No damage or failures

L button, Z button, START, Up(on control pad), Up(on control pad).

No depth view

Z button, C-Right, R button, Up(on control pad), Right(on control pad)

One Big Tire

Press C-Left, Z button, R button, Down(on control pad), Down(on control pad)

Repair Power

Press L button, Z button, R button, L button, and START. Do it at the race description screen

Speed Warp View

Z button, C-Left, R button, Up(on control pad), Right(on control pad)

Speed-based aspect ratio

Z button, C-Left, L button, Up(on control pad), Right(on control pad)

Spinning view

At the title screen or during gameplay press R, C-Right, R, Up, Left.

Topsy Turvy

Press C-Up, Z button, START, Up(on the control pad), Down(on the control pad).

Volcano Valley World

At the Title screen, press C-Left, Z, R, L, Down.

Wild CPU

At the title screen or during gameplay press R, Down, R, Down x2. (On D-Pad)

Wobble Tire

R button, C-right, START, Down(on control pad), Z button.