To access Khameleon press: C-right, C-up, A, B, C-down, C-up and C-right at the story line screen. You should hear someone say 'Khameleon'. Khameleon should then be available on the character selection screen.
Baraka’s Brutality
High Punch, High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch, Block, High Kick, High Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, Block.
Backwards, Backwards, Backwards, High Punch (close).
Blue Cheat Menu
To access the Blue Cheat Menu, go to the story line screen and press: C-down, B and A. You will hear someone say 'Outstanding' if done correctly.
Cage's 3 Head Fatality
When you are doing Cage's uppercut fatality hold R, Lk, Lp, and down to see a 3 head fatality.
If you do not feel like putting in the extra options cheat to get a stage select, just hold up and start on the player select screen. If you did it right you will hear a boom and the screen will shake.
All these codes must be entered in the normal controller settings, otherwise they won't work. Press the following buttons at the storyline screen: C-Left, C-Up, C-Right, C-Down, A, B, B, B, A, A. This code will give you 2 extra options in the options menu: the blue option and the red option.
Free play : ON/OFF
Fatality time: ON/OFF
Collision boxes: ON/OFF
One round matches: ON/OFF
Cyrax's Animality (Shark)
You got to press up,up,down,down(at close range).
Cyrax's Brutality
High Punch, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, Low Kick, Low Punch.
Cyrax's Fatality (Helicopter Slice)
Down, Down, Up, Down, High Punch.
Cyrax's Fatality (Selfdestruct)
Down, Down, Right, Up, Run (close).
Defeating Shao Khan Easily
To easily defeat Shao Khan, use Rain or Sub-Zero. With Sub-Zero, continuously freeze Sheo Khan and uppercut him. Do that repeatedly and you should win. With Rain use his electricution type move that flings the opponent high into the air. Then uppercut Shao Khan where necessary.
Easy Fatality
Go to the Pit level and when you have to finish your opponent, uppercut them and they will fly off the bridge and land on the spikes below.
Ermac’s Brutality
High Punch, High Punch, Low Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, High Kick.
On the Character Selection Screen, highlight Kano and press Down and Start. This makes more endurance rounds for one-player games.
Fatality Glich
When you win with Rayden use Back, Back, Forword and crush them to the wall and the match will not end.
Fight Against Khameleon
To fight Khameleon press Down+Start when Toasty appears on the Star Bridge.
To access Freeplay, press Up, Up, Down, Down, Right, Right, Left and Left at the Story line screen. This allows you unlimited credits.
How to cheat with Shao kahn
When you transform into Shao Kahn walk up and keep punching and kicking the enemey you are fightng and win that fight[you might get hit some but its worth it because their hits take a little on you].
Human Smoke’s Brutality
High Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, High Punch, High Kick, Low Punch, Low Kick.
To use Motaro's (Head Rip) Fatality move. Press: Forward, Forward, Forward, High Kick (close).
Motaro will lift the opponent and rip his/her head off.
Motaro's Fireball Move
Hold Low Kick for 3 seconds and release it.
Nightwolf’s Fatality (Energy Channel)
Up, Up, Backwards, Forward, Block (close).
Nightwolf’s Fatality (Lightning Axe)
Backwards, Backwards, Down, High Punch (mid range).
Noob Saibot’s Brutality
High Punch, Low Kick, Low Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, High Punch, Low Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick.
Noob Saibot's Fatality (Spirit Spin)
Backwards, Backwards, Forward, Forward, High Kick (half screen).
Noob Saibot's Fatality (Teleport Massacre)
(Block) Down, Down, Up, Run.
Play As Human Smoke
To play as Human Smoke, select Smoke (the robot) and hold Left, High Punch, High Kick, Block and Run before the round starts. Smoke will explode and will then emerge from the flames as a human ninja.
Play As Motaro
To play as Motaro, select the Jade's Desert, Wasteland or Khan's Tower level. Before the round starts hold: Left+Low Kick+High Kick. Your character should explode and emerge from the flames as Motaro (the strongest character in the game I reckon).
Play As Shao Khan
To play as Shao Khan, select the Rooftop, Pit 3 or Khan's Cave level. Before the round begins, hold: Down+Low Punch+High Punch. Your character should explode and emerge from the flames as Shao Khan.
Play Galaga
To play Galaga, play 100 rounds of 2-player matches and you will be able to play Galaga.
Play Pong
To play Pong, play 50 rounds of 2 player matches and you will then be able to play Pong.
Play Space Invaders
Select The Pit stage in a 2-player game and when you see an object flying by the moon, press Z. The player who wins that round gets to play Space Invaders.
Rain’s Brutality
High Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch.
Rain's Fatality (Lightning Storm)
Down, Down, Backwards, Forward, High Kick (past sweep).
Rain's Fatality (Turned Upside Down)
Forward, Forward, Down, High Punch (close).
Rayden’s Brutality
High Punch, High Punch, Low Kick, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, Low Punch, Low Punch, Block, Block.
Rayden's Fatality (SuperUppercut)
This one is super easy all you have to do is hold the B-button for three seconds.(At close range).
Reptile’s Fatality (Acid Spit)
Forward, Forward, Up, Up, High Kick (sweep).
Reptile’s Fatality (Body Snack)
Backwards, Forward, Down, Block (mid range).
Reptile's Brutality
High Punch, Block, High Kick, High Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch, Low Kick, Low Kick, Block, Low Punch.
Reverse Babalities
Here'a a neat little cheat that can be inflicted on horrible little brats. Perform a Babality then, before your opponent changes, hold HP, LP, HK, LK. Your opponent will instantly return to normal size and explode in a blast of blood and bones! That's no way to treat a kiddy, you know.
Forward, Forward, Back, High Punch (sweep).
Shao Kan will then hammer his opponent into the ground and then break him/her into bits.
Shao Khan's Fireball Move
Forward, Down, Forward, Low Kick. It is quite a strong move.
Sheeva’s Fatality (Skin Rip)
(High Kick) Forward, Backwards, Forward, Forward, Release High Kick (close).
Sheeva’s Fatality (The Hammer)
Forward, Down, Down, Forward, Low Punch (close).
Sheeva's Brutality
High Punch, Low Punch, Block, Low Kick, High Kick, Block, High Kick, Low Kick, Block, Low Punch, High Punch.
Sindel’s Fatality (Hair Wrap)
Run, Run, Block, Run, Block (sweep).
Sindel’s Fatality (Sonic Scream)
Run, Block, Block, Run + Block (close).
Smoke’s Fatality (Armageddon)
(Block) Up, Up, Forward, Down (full screen).
Smoke’s Fatality (Grenade Drop)
(Run + Block) Down, Down, Forward, Up (sweep).
Sonya Blade’s Brutality
High Punch, Low Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Kick, Block, High Punch, Low Punch, Block, High Kick, Low Kick.
Sonya Blade’s Fatality (Kiss Of Death)
Backwards, Forward, Down, Down, Run.
Sonya Blade’s Fatality (Squash Orb)
(Block + Run) Up, Up, Backwards, Down (half screen).
Sub-Zero’s Fatality (Fade To Black)
Down, Down, Down, Forward, High Punch (close).
Sub-Zero’s Fatality (Stalagmite Stab)
Down, Forward, Forward, Forward, High Punch (close).
Sub-Zero's Brutality
High Punch, Low Punch, High Punch, Block, Low Kick, Low Kick, High Kick, High Kick, Low Punch, High Punch, Low Punch.
Ultimate Kombat Kode
After getting a game over screen you are prompted to enter a "Ultimate Kombat Kode". At this time enter 113-840. The screen will flash when the time runs up and the text "Smoke and Khameleon are at your control" will appear. Both characters will then be selectable on the character select screen. Thanks to Proto K for discovering this.